Category «Management»

Review: Dennis Kennedy’s Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law

Jerry Lawson is a lawyer, speaker, author, advisor and leader in the field of legal technology. If you are looking to get better results from your organization, whether a law firm or other legal organization, Lawson believes you can’t do better than letting Dennis Kennedy’s recent book be your guide.

Subjects: KM, Law Firm Marketing, Leadership, Legal Marketing, Legal Profession, Management

Keynote: AI Transformation – Competing in the Age of AI #KMWorld

Knowledge sharing, social media and knowledge management expert V. Mary Abraham shares her readout and impressions of this timely and impactful keynote presented by Marco Iansiti, Harvard Business School Professor of Business Administration, and Coauthor of Competing in the Age of AI. Abraham’s insights encompass how the pandemic is accelerating enormous changes. Within 5-10 years, every organization will be run differently. Those who invest in digital transformation will do just fine. Those who do implement tangible change not will be left behind.

Subjects: AI, Big Data, Communications, Information Architecture, KM, Management

Webinar Recap: How to Safeguard Your Law Firm Against Future Disruption

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to surge in various parts of the country, you’re no doubt facing uncertainties on how and when to reopen your law firm. You’re also likely wondering about the future of your law firm and its book of business. One way to directly address these concerns is to prioritize preparing your firm for whatever may come. Whether it’s a pandemic or economic downturn, pre-emptive protocols and a strong technology foundation will help you maintain business continuity in the event of future disruption. Is your firm ready? If not, there’s no better time to ensure that you’re protected, and this free webinar and accompanying transcript by Nicole L. Black are excellent resources to help you mitigate an over abundance of challenges.

Subjects: Case Management, Conferencing Software, Disaster Planning, Health, Legal Marketing, Legal Profession, Legal Technology, Management

How Law Firms Are Responding to COVID-19 [Survey Results]

On an individual level, lawyers and legal professionals are experiencing a mix of productivity challenges in a new and potentially permanently changed legal landscape. Martin Cogburn discusses the top productivity challenges individuals are facing, the tools they’re adopting, and their thoughts on the long term effects of COVID-19 on the legal industry.

Subjects: Case Management, Health, KM, Law Firm Marketing, Leadership, Legal Marketing, Legal Profession, Legal Technology, Management, Technology Trends, Training

Re-Opening Your Law Firm: There’s a Bar Association Guide for That!

After months of business closures, many states are beginning to slowly allow more essential businesses to open their doors. In most states, law firms will be among the first wave of businesses that are permitted to resume providing services to the public. This is a welcome development for lawyers, but one that comes hand in hand with uncertainty. After all, resuming business in the midst of a pandemic is uncharted territory, and opening your firm doesn’t mean you’ll be returning to business as usual. Attorney Nicole L. Black identifies the host of issues that must be considered when re-opening, not the least of which is to ensure that the health of both law firm employees and clients is protected.

Subjects: Communication Skills, Health, Law Firm Marketing, Legal Marketing, Management, Meetings, Technology Trends, Telecommuting

Emergency SBA Relief Loans: Which Are Best For Your Law Firm?

Nicole L. Black addresses the issue of how and when solo and small law firms can take advantage of newly enacted relief loans. Black identifies how to choose to apply for Paycheck Protection Plan loans and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) Emergency Advance that make the most sense for your law firm, and options that will help you make the right choices for the future of your business.

Subjects: Congress, Disaster Planning, Government Resources, Healthcare, KM, Law Firm Marketing, Legal Research, Legislative, Management

Business as (Un)Usual: Library Business Continuity Amid COVID-19

Ellyssa Valenti Kroski, Director of Information Technology/Marketing, The New York Law Institute, shares proactive steps her organization took to transition to a remote workplace during the pandemic, the technology and processes they implemented, and important tips for preparing your own library.

Subjects: Email, Email Security, Healthcare, KM, Law Library Management, Legal Research, Legal Technology, Libraries & Librarians, Management, Mobile Technology, Telecommuting

2020 KM + Innovation Survey Results

Ron Friedman’s extensively documented article reports on the survey to support the 2020 Strategic Knowledge + Innovation Legal Leaders’ Summit, which took place in early February 2020. The Summit is a meeting of about 65 senior knowledge management professionals from large US, UK, and Canadian law firms. The depth and breath of actionable information and data shared in this article makes it a critical read for law firm and corporate KM and Innovation professionals.

Subjects: AI, Big Data, Case Management, Communication Skills, Communications, Contact Management, Data Mining, Digital Archives, Information Architecture, Information Mapping, KM, Leadership, Legal Marketing, Legal Technology, Management, Presentation Skills, Team Building