Category «Communications»

How Law Firm Libraries Can Create New Value

Earlier this year Ron Friedmann presented an interactive session on how law firm libraries can create new value, at the Ark conference Best Practices & Management Strategies for Law Firm Library, Research & Information Services (aka Ark Library). In this article he shares some session highlights, the voting results of the interactive portion, his slides and and a link to his live presentation.

Subjects: Business Research, Communications, Competitive Intelligence, Information Management, KM, Law Librarians, Leadership, Legal Research, Legal Technology, Library Marketing, Outsourcing, Reference Services

The new legal economy

Jordan Furlong is a leading analyst of the global legal market and forecaster of its future development. In this article he discusses the changing landscape of the legal market, focusing on why and how the disruptive impact of advanced technology in the law will be to reduce the incidence and volume of traditional legal work given by clients to lawyers. Furlong states that this is not just a market change; this is the emergence of a new legal economy. That’s a term we need to start thinking about, developing more fully, and changing our strategies to reflect.

Subjects: AI, Communications, KM, Legal Marketing, Legal Profession, Technology Trends

How Congress turns citizens’ voices into data points

Samantha McDonald, University of California, Irvine focuses our attention on an increasingly critical issue – big technology companies like Amazon, Facebook and Google aren’t the only ones facing huge political concerns about using citizen data: So is Congress. Reports by congressional researchers over the last decade describe an outdated communication system that is struggling to address an overwhelming rise in citizen contact.

Subjects: Communications, Congress, KM, Legislative

The Mindful Lawyer: Apps and Other Resources

Nicole Black discusses practical ways for lawyers to combat work related stress. One of the most effective ways she suggests that colleagues may can consider is to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life. Fortunately, there are lots of mindfulness apps and tools available for lawyers seeking to reduce heir stress levels through mindful thinking. Black shares some of her favorites, all of which are low-cost or free resources designed to get you on your way to a more stress-free existence.

Subjects: Communications, Continuing Legal Education, Education, Gadgets/Gizmos

Harness the Melodic Robotic Voices of Our Eventual Overlords Now to Improve Your Proofreading!

As writer/editor for more than two decades, Sarah Gotschall’s article immediately piqued my interest. Gotschall writes that when she proofreads her own work product, she is doing so with what she think she wrote in mind, rather than than focusing specifically on the words on the page. The addition of Speak command to your Quick Access Toolbar in Microsoft Word will be of interest to writers, editors, researchers, librarians, InfoPros, students, and marketing folks too.

Subjects: Communication Skills, Communications, Grammar, KM, Legal Marketing, Software, Technology Trends

The Government Must Now Obtain A Warrant To Compel Disclosure of Cell Phone Location Records

Attorney Charles Holster discusses the ramifications of the June 22, 2018 Supreme Court decision, Carpenter v. United States that held a warrant is required before a wireless telephone service provider may be compelled by a governmental entity to turn over its customer’s “historical” Cell Site Location Information.

Subjects: Civil Liberties, Communications, Communications Law, Criminal Law, Legal Research, Privacy

Book Review of “Frenemies: The Epic Disruption of the Ad Business (and Everything Else)”

Advertising is now part of a complex ecosystem that engages a wide range of components, including but not limited to: social media, Big Data, AI, data mining, competitive intelligence, and marketing. Alan Rothman reveals and explains for readers just how utterly different and hyper-competitive advertising now is, with work product largely splayed across countless mobile and stationary screens on Planet Earth. Rothman describes how expertly chronicling and precisely assaying the transformative changes happening to this sector is an informative and engaging new book, Frenemies: The Epic Disruption of the Ad Business (and Everything Else), by the renowned business author Ken Auletta. Just as a leading ad agency in its day cleverly and convincingly took TV viewers on an endearing cultural tour of the U.S .as we followed the many ad-ventures of Bartles & Jaymes, so too, this book takes its readers on a far-ranging and immersive tour of the current participants, trends, challenges and technologies affecting the ad industry. Auletta’s book is not only timely and insightful, but demonstrably valuable for the professionals in the legal sector who are striving to effectively engage, employ and measure the value of marketing to clients and potential clients in a rapidly changing environment increasingly dependent upon using big data and analytical platforms.

Subjects: AI, Big Data, Blockchain, Book Reviews, Communication Skills, Communications, Competitive Intelligence, Law Firm Marketing, Privacy, Social Media