Category «Legal Profession»

Non-Library Jobs & Advice on How to Get One: an introduction to INALJ’s series of interviews

Naomi House was inspired to do this series because of the drastic changes to the availability of traditional library jobs during this pandemic. She highlights library and information professionals who work outside libraries but use their skills as well as many who have lost their jobs or been furloughed. These interviews are an introduction to transferable skill sets as well as resources for those looking for work in those fields.

Subjects: Business Research, Education, Job Hunting, KM, Librarian Resources, Libraries & Librarians

Client Portals: A Must-Have Service for Today’s Law Firms

Jim Calloway is Director of the Oklahoma Bar Association Management Assistance Program and co-author of the ABA books “How Good Lawyers Survive Bad Times” and “Winning Alternatives to the Billable Hour: Strategies That Work.” In this article he explains how beyond secure document sharing, client portals for law firms can serve as a “virtual lobby” for clients and potential clients.

Subjects: Communications, Cybersecurity, KM, Law Firm Marketing, Legal Marketing, Legal Profession, Legal Technology

The Post-Pandemic Law Practice: What Lawyers Need to Know

Nicole L. Black’s third article in a series discusses the value of an expansive new report from the ABA, Practicing Law in the Pandemic and Moving Forward: Results and Best Practices from a Nationwide Survey of the Legal Profession. The results cover a broad overview of topics ranging from the impact of the pandemic on the legal profession to post-pandemic expectations and recommendations for both legal employers and individual lawyers.

Subjects: Communication Skills, Healthcare, KM, Law Firm Marketing, Legal Profession, Management

The Case for Law Practice Management Software

The software that lawyers relied on to run their firms used to be premise-based, but as reported by Nicole L. Black, in 2021 cloud computing software is the most prevalent. In fact, even before the pandemic, lawyers were adopting cloud-based legal software at higher rates than ever before. According to the 2020 ABA Legal Technology Survey Report, 59% of lawyers surveyed were already already using cloud-based software pre-COVID. Notably, the results of another survey conducted by MyCase in mid-2020, showed the social distancing requirements of the pandemic have only served to accelerate this trend.

Subjects: Case Management, Communications, Information Architecture, Information Management, KM, Legal Technology, Technology Trends

Review: Dennis Kennedy’s Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law

Jerry Lawson is a lawyer, speaker, author, advisor and leader in the field of legal technology. If you are looking to get better results from your organization, whether a law firm or other legal organization, Lawson believes you can’t do better than letting Dennis Kennedy’s recent book be your guide.

Subjects: KM, Law Firm Marketing, Leadership, Legal Marketing, Legal Profession, Management

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, March 14, 2021

Privacy and security issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly complex and wide ranging ways technology is used to compromise and diminish our privacy and security, often without our situational awareness. Four highlights from this week: A directory of direct links to delete your account from web services; Rep. Suzan DelBene’s New Bill Aims to Protect Privacy in US; Experts Find a Way to Learn What You’re Typing During Video Calls; and America, Your Privacy Settings Are All Wrong.

Subjects: Big Data, Congress, Cybersecurity, Ethics, Health, Healthcare, Legal Research, Legislative, Privacy, Social Media, Technology Trends

Microsoft OneDrive Explained

There are many ways to store and share documents online. Box, Dropbox, ShareFile, and Google Drive are but a few of the popular products. For firms using Microsoft 365 Catherine Reach Sanders describes how you already have an online document storage tool built in – MS OneDrive. What can you do with OneDrive, what are the pros and cons, what is the difference between it and SharePoint? Sanders provides the answers!

Subjects: Case Management, KM, Legal Technology, Product Reviews, Software, Technology Trends