Category «Legal Technology»

2024 Link Guide to Generative AI Resources

Marcus P. Zillman’s guide is a selective listing of open Generative AI resources that includes current awareness reports, guides, research tools, resources and applications from the open metaverse and Chat GPT. These references include AI best practices to facilitate implementing AI technology in specific sectors and within critical areas that involve engaging subject matter. expertise to deliver internal and external client and customer services. The sources are the work of AI entrepreneurs and experts, consulting groups, government, academe, the evolving global AI sector, and informative cheat sheets, prompt guides and articles published on LinkedIn.

Subjects: AI, Competitive Intelligence, Education, KM, Legal Technology, Libraries & Librarians, Search Engines

All Citations Should Include Hyperlinks (If Possible)

Amelia Landenberger explains that as a general principle, citations in scholarly works have two purposes: to prove that the point is supported by evidence, and to allow the reader to find the evidence that the author is citing to. The pain of citations comes from the requirement that these citations be made as brief as possible by painstakingly utilizing a series of standardized abbreviations. The requirement to abbreviate arises mainly from a historical limitation: the scarcity of paper and ink.

Subjects: KM, Legal Education, Legal Research

What We Know About You: Welcome to the Surveillance State

Kevin Novak begins his article with a reference to a report in The Wall Street Journal that caught his attention. Commercial data brokers are selling their third-party data to the government. If you’re an optimist, you would think this could be a good thing. Our intelligence agencies and the defense department may be able to identify patterns that could predict and prevent an unfortunate event – terrorism, for example. But honestly, how would you feel if all the conversations in your house that Siri and Alexa are silently listening in on are sold in the aggregate to the government…or something else?

Subjects: Civil Liberties, Computer Security, Congress, Cybercrime, Cyberlaw Legislation, Cybersecurity, Data Mining, Economy, Gadgets/Gizmos, Legal Research, Social Media

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, March 2, 2024

Privacy and cybersecurity issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, finance, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly complex and wide ranging ways technology is used to compromise and diminish our privacy and online security, often without our situational awareness. Five highlights from this week: A Vending Machine Error Revealed Secret Face Recognition Tech; The Impact of Technology on the Workplace: 2024 Report; A government watchdog hacked a US federal agency to stress-test its cloud security; Using AI to fight fraud is paying off, Treasury says; and These Video Doorbells Have Terrible Security. Amazon Sells Them Anyway.

Subjects: AI, Cybercrime, Cybersecurity, Economy, Email Security, Financial System, Healthcare, Privacy

LLRX February 2024 Issue

Articles and Columns for February 2024 Scam Baiting: An Innovative Approach to Combating Online Fraud – The thesis of Kyra Strick’s instructive paper promotes a proactive approach to a rapidly increasing online security crisis. Strick states that in the dynamic landscape of cybersecurity, scam baiting has emerged as a captivating and unconventional approach to combating …

Subjects: KM

Scam Baiting: An Innovative Approach to Combating Online Fraud

The thesis of Kyra Strick’s instructive paper promotes a proactive approach to a rapidly increasing online security crisis. Strick states that in the dynamic landscape of cybersecurity, scam baiting has emerged as a captivating and unconventional approach to combating online fraud. Scam baiting is the practice of engaging with scammers to expose their tactics and disrupt their operations. It serves as an offensive and a defensive measure, safeguarding individuals from falling prey to scams, promoting data protection education, and empowering individuals to protect their digital security.

Subjects: Cybercrime, Cybersecurity, Economy, Financial System, KM, Legal Research, Social Media

Toward a durable, dictator-proof Washington Post

David H. Rothman’s timely, outside the box commentary addresses the growing wave of news outlets abruptly closing down their websites, laying off staff, and in some cases, eliminating access to their respective archives. Rothman proposes an alternative to “how do I charge them enough” to stem the tide of closures, an avenue he prompts billionaire Jeff Bezos, owner of the Washington Post, to consider. A good-sized trust or corporate equivalent would enable the Washington Post to be run as a sustainable enterprise in the public interest, rather than as a mere profit generator.

Subjects: Civil Liberties, Economy, Ethics, Free Speech, Freedom of Information, KM, Leadership, Management, Social Media, Technology Trends

Publishing for Profit: Selecting the Best Publisher

Jerry Lawson offers his expert advise on how lawyers (and other ambitious people) can profit by publishing. One method is to begin by focusing on your desired result. What are the best publishers for you and your work product? Lawson offers a couple of ways to identify the potential publishers likely to provide the most benefit.

Subjects: AI, Book Reviews, Communication Skills, KM, Search Engines, Social Media