Category «Legal Technology»

Proactive Leadership & The Role of Information: Identifying Strategic Networks of Information

Networking is supposed to be essential to successful leaders. But what is the importance of networking conceptually? People are only one form of this vital leadership resource. Stuart Basefksy explains how would one go about developing expanded networks of information and sources.

Subjects: Communication Skills, Features, KM, Leadership, Legal Research Training, Libraries & Librarians, Presentation Skills

Criminal Law Resources: Social Networking Online and Criminal Justice

The activities of users and the information being posted on social networking sites are having wide ranging effects on the administration of justice, law enforcement investigation, prosecution and defense. Ken Strutin’s guide provides a snapshot of many of the novel and varied uses of social networking evidence in the field of criminal justice.

Subjects: Criminal Law, Legal Research, Legal Technology, Technology Trends

E-Discovery Update: Revisiting ESI Agreements and Court Orders

Conrad J. Jacoby focuses on the new requirement that litigants must meet early in a dispute to discuss the scope of discovery work to reach agreement on how best to proceed with the discovery of potentially relevant electronically stored information (“ESI”). What happens, though, when fundamental assumptions used to reach agreement at that early stage in the case turn out to be incorrect?

Subjects: Case Management, E-Discovery, Legal Profession, Legal Technology

Collaboration Through Wikis at Hicks Morley

Heather Colman explains how wikis were an ideal KM solution for her law firm. Quick and easy to set up, requiring little IT support, wikis support central data repositories and provide features including search capabilities, email, RSS, and also allow users to create a taxonomy of subject tags to classify information.

Subjects: Case Management, Information Architecture, Information Management, Information Mapping, KM, Law Firm Marketing, Legal Technology, Technology Trends, Wiki

E-Discovery Update: My E-Discovery Holiday Wish List

Conrad J. Jacoby’s holiday wish is for the legal community to finally develop one or more judicially accepted standards that can be used to craft consistent ways of requesting and producing information. With baseline procedures in place, both producing and requesting parties, as well as judges, will be able to make more informed decisions about the need for discovery and the way in which such discovery should be conducted.

Subjects: Case Management, Discovery, E-Discovery