Category «KM»

Why Knowledge Management Is A Misnomer

Knowledge Management has many facets, applications and roles within organizations, large, small and solo. Ken Grady’s interpretation of KM in this article represents the role of the “puzzle master,” one with which librarians, research analysts and infopros have demonstrated mastery.

Subjects: KM, Legal Technology

The Disconnect Between Knowledge Management and Counsel

Stacy Nykorchuk’s article documents significant facets of determining organizational knowledge strategies, creating the appropriate architecture for the content, managing content creation by subject matter experts, aligning systems with objectives, understanding user, stakeholder and client feedback, and acknowledging associated risk based on work product.

Subjects: Communications, Competitive Intelligence, Information Management, KM, Leadership, Legal Marketing, Management

eReference Library Link Dataset Toolkit 2017

This guide is a comprehensive link dataset toolkit of reliable resources available on the Internet to support your research across multiple subject matters and relevant to many disciplines. In many instances effective research begins and succeeds based on the choice to use resources such as those included here by Marcus Zillman, rather than defaulting to the use of a search engine. Consider your goals and objectives, and leverage sites and free knowledge services that will expand the scope of relevant results to your queries, as well as add new facets and dimension to your work product.

Subjects: Competitive Intelligence, Internet Resources, Internet Resources - Web Links, KM, Libraries & Librarians, Reference Services, Search Engines, Search Strategies

We Need Librarians Today More Than Ever – How an ancient profession stays on top of the digital age

Journalist and librarian Marcus Banks discusses the role, relevancy and impact of librarians in all sectors as we are increasingly overwhelmed with information and yet access to actionable resources is often blocked by fees and paywalls, and the goal of knowledge sharing is subsumed and often ill served by conflicting agendas. Librarians remain critical advocates for open access, teachers of digital literacy skills, proponents of services to all Americans, and touchstones for identifying truth in an increasingly growing sphere of fake news and information that fails to serve democracy, education, and commerce.

Subjects: Civil Liberties, Communications, Competitive Intelligence, E-Books, Education, Information Management, KM, Libraries & Librarians, Library Marketing, Reference Services

Library Services for People with Memory Loss, Dementia, and Alzheimers

Sarah Houghton organized a training for library staff throughout her county from the local chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association and a stellar local senior non-profit named Senior Access dedicated to serving residents with memory loss issues. This training was inspired by two things: in her year in the San Rafael Leadership Institute when her class project was raising funds for Senior Access, and a demographic study from the Association of Bay Area Governments that highlighted Marin County’s median age compared to regional, state, and national norms.

Subjects: Education, Healthcare, KM, Libraries & Librarians

Law Librarians Flinch At Change? Can’t Say That I Agree With You David

Greg Lambert eloquently gives voice to truth which has been delivered through action by many fellow professionals throughout the course of our respective (some decades long) careers – we are not “gatekeepers” nor do we impede the purchase and distribution of innovative, subject matter focused, effective, forward moving technologies, services and resources within our respective organizations. To the contrary, change and disruption are often associated with the work of law librarians, knowledge managers and research professionals in firms.

Subjects: KM, Law Librarians, Legal Education, Legal Marketing, Legal Profession, Legal Research, Legal Research Training, Legal Technology, Libraries & Librarians