Category «Legal Profession»

Small Kicks, Big Waves – Serving Justice for Expectant Mothers in the Business World

Karina Bihar is student of Professor Dennis Kennedy at Michigan State College of Law. I am pleased to publish her timely and significant article. Bihar states: “…a higher number of mothers are entering the workforce than ever before…according the U.S. Department of Labor, 71.5% of mothers in the United States are working. However, there has been very little advancement made in society to help mothers maintain their working status. As a result, many mothers are forced into choosing lower paying jobs, part-time work, or leaving the workforce to care for young children, causing loss of earnings, gender pay gaps, and loss of valuable workers in the market.” Her struggles as an expectant mother in law school gave her greater awareness of the problems that career mothers need addressed and her article provides an actionable, innovative and well documented solution that merits the attention and tangible support of the legal education and professional communities.

Subjects: Economy, Law Firm Marketing, Legal Education, Legal Profession, Privacy, Recruiting, Social Media

Re-Opening Your Law Firm: There’s a Bar Association Guide for That!

After months of business closures, many states are beginning to slowly allow more essential businesses to open their doors. In most states, law firms will be among the first wave of businesses that are permitted to resume providing services to the public. This is a welcome development for lawyers, but one that comes hand in hand with uncertainty. After all, resuming business in the midst of a pandemic is uncharted territory, and opening your firm doesn’t mean you’ll be returning to business as usual. Attorney Nicole L. Black identifies the host of issues that must be considered when re-opening, not the least of which is to ensure that the health of both law firm employees and clients is protected.

Subjects: Communication Skills, Health, Law Firm Marketing, Legal Marketing, Management, Meetings, Technology Trends, Telecommuting

Securely Collaborate and Communicate Remotely: A How-To for Lawyers

Attorney and Legal Technology Evangelist Nicole L. Black delves into how collaborating effectively and confidentially has always been an important part of practicing law. The COIVD-19 pandemic has significantly increased the focus on identifying and implementing tools and techniques that enable secure communications and remote collaboration with team members and clients alike. Black recommends online portals as the perfect solution to this challenge.

Subjects: Communication Skills, Communications, KM, Law Firm Marketing, Law Firm Security, Legal Ethics, Legal Marketing, Legal Technology, Privacy, Technology Trends

2020 KM + Innovation Survey Results

Ron Friedman’s extensively documented article reports on the survey to support the 2020 Strategic Knowledge + Innovation Legal Leaders’ Summit, which took place in early February 2020. The Summit is a meeting of about 65 senior knowledge management professionals from large US, UK, and Canadian law firms. The depth and breath of actionable information and data shared in this article makes it a critical read for law firm and corporate KM and Innovation professionals.

Subjects: AI, Big Data, Case Management, Communication Skills, Communications, Contact Management, Data Mining, Digital Archives, Information Architecture, Information Mapping, KM, Leadership, Legal Marketing, Legal Technology, Management, Presentation Skills, Team Building

Automation in MS Outlook

This guide by legal tech expert Catherine (Sanders) Reach is a must-read for every Outlook user seeking to implement value added features and functions that are currently underused, or not used at all. Many of us spend a good portion of our day in Outlook, receiving and responding to email, sending and filing attachments, scheduling appointments, responding to meetings, and updating contacts. Sanders Reach identifies key shortcuts, tools and techniques already built into application, as well as third-party add-ins, to help manage your communications much more effectively.

Subjects: Case Management, Communications, Contact Management, Email

The Decade in Legal Tech: The 10 Most Significant Developments

Robert Ambrogi describes and identifies why this was a decade of tumult and upheaval in legal technology, bringing changes that will forever transform the practice of law and the delivery of legal services. From the ubiquity of big data, to migrating applicationsto the cloud, and the increasing adoption AI, Ambrogi’s keen insights and comprehensive expertise make this article critical reading.

Subjects: AI, Case Management, Law Firm Marketing, Legal Ethics, Legal Research, Legal Technology, Technology Trends

Why Do Experienced Women Lawyers Leave Biglaw? Why Do We Care?

Carolyn Elefant, Energy Law Entrepreneur, Eminent Domain Lawyer and Data Scientist, offers insights in response to the ABA’s November 2019 report on gender equality at biglaw. Among other issues, Elefant focuses on the ABA’s persistent failure to recognize the role of women-owned law firms to advancing gender equality and diversity in the profession.

Subjects: KM, Law Firm Marketing, Leadership, Legal Marketing, Legal Profession, Management

The How and the Why of Law Blogs

Legal technology evangelist, author and blogger Nicole L. Black recommends that a legal blog is one of the best ways to create a memorable and search-engine-friendly online presence. Simply put, blogs are a great way for lawyers to showcase legal expertise while increasing their firms’ search engine optimization—all while helping them to stay on top of changes in their areas of practice by writing about them on their firm’s blog.

Subjects: Blogs, Communication Skills, KM, Legal Marketing, Legal Profession, Social Media, Technology Trends

The new legal economy

Jordan Furlong is a leading analyst of the global legal market and forecaster of its future development. In this article he discusses the changing landscape of the legal market, focusing on why and how the disruptive impact of advanced technology in the law will be to reduce the incidence and volume of traditional legal work given by clients to lawyers. Furlong states that this is not just a market change; this is the emergence of a new legal economy. That’s a term we need to start thinking about, developing more fully, and changing our strategies to reflect.

Subjects: AI, Communications, KM, Legal Marketing, Legal Profession, Technology Trends