Category «Information Management»

Five data lies that need to die … now streaming on Netflix

Using Netflix as an example and referencing a number of articles touting the company’s expert use of data analytics and algorithms, marketing savant Jason Voiovich argues that data helps make content decisions, but alone does not alone drive the decisions. Data is one asset among many – but humans decide what counts in the analysis. As data analytics increasingly drive corporate decision-making in all sectors, the lessons Voiovich highlights are critical to effective, accurate and responsible business practices.

Subjects: AI, Information Management, KM, Technology Trends

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues May 5, 2019

Privacy and security issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly complex and wide ranging ways technology is used to compromise and diminish our privacy and security, often without our situational awareness. Four highlights from this week: Google to roll out auto-delete controls for location history and activity data; Rights groups challenge warrantless cellphone searches at U.S. border; U.S. cyber spies unmasked many more American identities in 2018; and Spies, Lies, and Algorithms.

Subjects: AI, Government Resources, Information Management, KM, Legal Research, Mobile Technology, Privacy, Search Engines, Social Media, Technology Trends

Knowledge Modeling

Taxonomist Heather Hedden compares and contrasts the work of creating a taxonomy to that of creating a knowledge model, which also involve inputs of people and content, but where more emphasis is on stakeholder/user input. As Hedden says, “content contains information, but people contain knowledge, so knowledge modeling requires the input of various people, with the input gathered in a comprehensive and systematic way.” This article clearly identifies more facets of the role of knowledge management within organizations in many sectors.

Subjects: Information Management, KM

Three TextExpander Snippets You Should Be Using to Save Time Immediately

Brett Burney recommends and demonstrates an application from which we can all benefit: Text Expander – its saves you time immediately because it can type for you. And not only does TextExpander save you time, but it’ll also make you a better typist because it’s 100 percent accurate every single time. No typos or misspellings.

Subjects: Email, Information Management, Technology Trends

Library Acquisition Patterns: Preliminary Findings

Katherine Daniel, Joseph J. Esposito, Roger C. Schonfeld: Several years ago, we set out to better understand how both library acquisition practices and the distribution patterns of publishers and vendors were evolving over time. Within the academic publishing community, there is a sense that academic libraries are acquiring fewer and fewer books and that university presses are struggling amid declining sales. The latter may certainly be true—a recent UK study found that between 2005 and 2014, retail sales of academic books dropped by 13 percent—but what if the academic libraries that constitute part of that market were in reality not making fewer purchases? As new vendors and acquisition methods disrupt customary means of acquiring books, Joseph Esposito, Ithaka S+R’s frequent collaborator and consultant, was inspired to ask whether book sales were actually depressed, or if they only appeared to be because academic libraries were bypassing the traditional wholesale vendors whose metrics are used by university presses to assess sales to libraries for companies like Amazon.

Subjects: E-Commerce, Electronic Subscriptions, Information Management, Libraries & Librarians, Reference Resources

The Disconnect Between Knowledge Management and Counsel

Stacy Nykorchuk’s article documents significant facets of determining organizational knowledge strategies, creating the appropriate architecture for the content, managing content creation by subject matter experts, aligning systems with objectives, understanding user, stakeholder and client feedback, and acknowledging associated risk based on work product.

Subjects: Communications, Competitive Intelligence, Information Management, KM, Leadership, Legal Marketing, Management

We Need Librarians Today More Than Ever – How an ancient profession stays on top of the digital age

Journalist and librarian Marcus Banks discusses the role, relevancy and impact of librarians in all sectors as we are increasingly overwhelmed with information and yet access to actionable resources is often blocked by fees and paywalls, and the goal of knowledge sharing is subsumed and often ill served by conflicting agendas. Librarians remain critical advocates for open access, teachers of digital literacy skills, proponents of services to all Americans, and touchstones for identifying truth in an increasingly growing sphere of fake news and information that fails to serve democracy, education, and commerce.

Subjects: Civil Liberties, Communications, Competitive Intelligence, E-Books, Education, Information Management, KM, Libraries & Librarians, Library Marketing, Reference Services