Category «Law Firm Marketing»

Collaboration Through Wikis at Hicks Morley

Heather Colman explains how wikis were an ideal KM solution for her law firm. Quick and easy to set up, requiring little IT support, wikis support central data repositories and provide features including search capabilities, email, RSS, and also allow users to create a taxonomy of subject tags to classify information.

Subjects: Case Management, Information Architecture, Information Management, Information Mapping, KM, Law Firm Marketing, Legal Technology, Technology Trends, Wiki

E-Discovery Update: Pushing Back Against Hardcopy ESI Productions

Conrad J. Jacoby addresses how critical technology issues related to document authenticity and document-associated metadata have left fewer lawyers willing to accept e-mail messages and other electronic documents in print format. He argues that litigants choosing to produce electronically stored information in hardcopy format should be prepared to provide more complete electronic copies of their production, even when it isn’t initially requested by opposing counsel.

Subjects: Case Management, Columns, Discovery, E-Discovery, E-Discovery Update, Intellectual Property, Law Firm Marketing, Legal Research

The Personal Information Trainer

Stuart Basefsky documents how the Personal Information Trainer can become a unique employee benefit written into the employment contract of key individuals deemed to be essential to the success of a firm or institution. This concept is useful to human resource managers, libraries, and the institutions they serve. This article provides the fundamental concepts and constructs necessary to implement such a program with an emphasis on why and how this should be done.

Subjects: Communication Skills, Features, Law Firm Marketing, Law Librarians, Legal Research, Libraries & Librarians, Library Marketing, Presentation Skills