Category «KM»

The End of Institutional Repositories & the Beginning of Social Academic Research Service: An Enhanced Role For Libraries

Stuart Basefsky advocates broadening the concept of institutional repositories (IRs) to serve as full-fledged electronic libraries and documents how they can then serve the greater purpose of collecting, disseminating, analyzing and exchanging useful digital information for academic purposes.

Subjects: Features, Information Management, KM, Libraries & Librarians, Team Building, Technology Trends

Navigating the Enterprise 2.0 Highway

Heather Colman provides an overview of Hicks Morley’s implementation of ThoughtFarmer, an Enterprise 2.0/wiki style intranet platform, one year ago. Despite a few growing pains, she describes how the application was successful at meeting the primary objectives to decentralize content updates and increase knowledge sharing and collaboration within the firm.

Subjects: Email, Features, Intranets, KM, Law Firm Marketing, Legal Research, Legal Technology, Litigation Support, Technology Trends, Wiki

Proactive Leadership & The Role of Information: Identifying Strategic Networks of Information

Networking is supposed to be essential to successful leaders. But what is the importance of networking conceptually? People are only one form of this vital leadership resource. Stuart Basefksy explains how would one go about developing expanded networks of information and sources.

Subjects: Communication Skills, Features, KM, Leadership, Legal Research Training, Libraries & Librarians, Presentation Skills

Collaboration Through Wikis at Hicks Morley

Heather Colman explains how wikis were an ideal KM solution for her law firm. Quick and easy to set up, requiring little IT support, wikis support central data repositories and provide features including search capabilities, email, RSS, and also allow users to create a taxonomy of subject tags to classify information.

Subjects: Case Management, Information Architecture, Information Management, Information Mapping, KM, Law Firm Marketing, Legal Technology, Technology Trends, Wiki

Conrad Jacoby’s E-Discovery Update: Attorneys, Experts, and E-Discovery Competence

Conrad J. Jacoby focuses on two recent cases that emphasize the credibility problems counsel can face in the context of e-discovery – and suggest that outside assistance may be the only way for some counsel to demonstrate that these materials are being managed in a competent and trustworthy way.

Subjects: Case Management, Digital Archives, E-Discovery, E-Discovery Update, KM, Search Engines, Search Strategies

KM Best Practices

At a February 2007 large law firm knowledge management meeting, a panel of four KM professionals and the audience discussed best practices and the connection to KM. This article by Ron Friedmann reports the highlights of the discussion at that meeting.

Subjects: Features, KM