Category «Legal Profession»

Law Librarians: The Missing Link As Solo & Small Firm Lawyers Adapt to Artificial Intelligence – Part 1

In her three part article on AI in Legal Research and Law Practice, Carolyn Elefant, attorney, tech guru, and legal blogger, shares actionable information, knowledge and topical resources that were the foundation of her presentation at the AALL 2019 Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. Elefant’s mission has always been to ensure that solo and small firms have current information, not just on new technology developments, but also on how these new tools can be applied in practice. AI is a fast-moving target that presents significant challenges to professionals in many roles – lawyers, law librarians, KM, CI/BI, competitive intelligence, marketing, and research analysts to name but a few. Elefant’s primer illuminates the critical role law librarians play in the effective implementation of AI within their organizations. See also Part II and Part III.

Subjects: AI, American Association of Law Libraries, Competitive Intelligence, Continuing Legal Education, KM, Law Librarians, Legal Profession, Legal Research, Legal Research Training, Legal Technology

Law Librarians: The Missing Link As Solo & Small Firm Lawyers Adapt to Artificial Intelligence – Part 2

In her three part article on AI in Legal Research and Law Practice, Carolyn Elefant, attorney, tech guru, and legal blogger, shares actionable information, knowledge and topical resources that were the foundation of her presentation at the AALL 2019 Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. Elefant’s mission has always been to ensure that solo and small firms have current information, not just on new technology developments, but also on how these new tools can be applied in practice. AI is a fast-moving target that presents significant challenges to professionals in many roles – lawyers, law librarians, KM, CI/BI, competitive intelligence, marketing, and research analysts to name but a few. Elefant’s primer illuminates the critical role law librarians play in the effective implementation of AI within their organizations. See also Part I and Part III.

Subjects: AI, KM, Law Firm Marketing, Law Librarians, Legal Marketing, Legal Profession, Legal Research, Legal Technology

Elder Resources on the Internet 2019

The current estimated U.S. population 65 and older has reached a new milestone: 53,710,125 and growing daily. To provide come context to this number, “50 million seniors is more than the population of 25 states combined…” By 2030, the estimated population of those over 65 will be 70 million. This timely guide by Marcus Zillman identifies a range of online resources on aging, assisted living, senior health care and senior legal issues, as well as information on retirement.

Subjects: Elder Law, Ethics, Government Resources, Health, Legal Research

Terms, Tags, and Classification

It is helpful to classify documents or other content items to make them easier to find later. Searching the full text alone can retrieve inaccurate results or miss appropriate documents containing different words from the words entered into a search box. A document or content management system may include features for tagging, keywords, categories, indexing, etc. Taxonomist Heather Hedden identifies the difference between these elements to facilitate the implementation of more effective knowledge and content management.

Subjects: Business Research, Case Management, Competitive Intelligence, E-Discovery, Information Architecture, Information Mapping, KM

Whither Law Student Information Literacy?

Dennis Kim-Prieto, J.D., M.S.L.I.S., M.F.A. presented this paper, and the associated PowerPoint slides, at the Learning Information Literacy Across the Globe Conference, held in Frankfurt em Main, May 10, 2019. Information Literacy has only recently been applied to instructional frameworks and benchmarking assessment for legal research skills in the United States. This paper seeks to answer two simple questions: what has information literacy done for legal research since AALL has adopted Legal Research Competencies and Standards for Law Student Information Literacy, and what is the future of information literacy in legal research classrooms and the practice of law around the world?

Subjects: Legal Education, Legal Profession, Legal Research

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues March 30, 2019

Privacy and security issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly complex and wide ranging ways technology is used to compromise and diminish our privacy and security, often without our situational awareness. Four highlights from this week: Data Breaches: Range of Consumer Risks Highlights Limitations of Identity Theft Services; How Digital Wallets Work; NSO Group CEO on “60 Minutes”: Hacking Lawyers, Reporters Is OK; and How to permanently delete your Google account (and save your data).

Subjects: Congress, Cybercrime, Cyberlaw, Cybersecurity, E-Government, Email, Legal Profession, Privacy, Social Media