The Government Domain: Testing the THOMAS Beta
Peggy Garvin runs the THOMAS beta test site through its paces, evaluating the new search engine and enhanced navigations features, accompanied by screen shots.
Peggy Garvin runs the THOMAS beta test site through its paces, evaluating the new search engine and enhanced navigations features, accompanied by screen shots.
LaJean Humphries identifies the wide range of social networking sites with which researchers should be knowlegeable, and addresses legal, privacy and ethical concerns associated with their use. She also provides a bibliography of books, articles and reports that focus on the impact of social networking applications.
Beth Wellington puts the recently announced troop surge surge into context by reviewing the response of members of Congress, the public, columnists and think tanks.
Marcus P. Zillman’s bibliographic guide highlights resources that focus on the history of deep web research, as well as dozens of topical sources that will contribute to your search and research efforts, through a range of respositories of valuable data, reports and scholarly literature.
Ken Strutin’s guide includes blogs that provide news and analysis of current developments in criminal justice. The blogs are authored by lawyers, law professors, law librarians, public defenders, criminal justice professionals and observers and commentators on the justice system.
Paul Jenks discusses sources of Congressional voting data and methods of analysis.
Jan Bissett and Margi Heinen provide an overview of selected free and fee-based web resources, as well as pathfinders and guides authored by law librarians, that will faciliate the process of conducting effective SEC research.
A wide range of online calendars from agencies and Congress offer valuable information to researchers that includes: release dates for topical reports, news, surveys, meeting and official travel schedules, historical commemorations, House and Senate bill histories, and links to speeches and testimony. Peggy Garvin includes numerous examples of e-gov sites with such services that should be on your radar.
Connie Crosby addresses the evolving professional roles and expectations, goals and perspectives of librarians between Baby Boom and Generation X.
Conrad J. Jacoby documents how a law firm or a client can efficiently and effectively choose an e-discovery vendor with the appropriate experience, training, and equipment that will work properly with each respective organization’s digital materials.