A Cup of Creativi-tea: Start a Resolution
Terri Wilson offers quick suggestions, easily implemented, for making time to fulfill a resolution or two during the course of our increasingly demanding work week.
Terri Wilson offers quick suggestions, easily implemented, for making time to fulfill a resolution or two during the course of our increasingly demanding work week.
Jan Bissett and Margi Heinen provide an overview of selected free and fee-based web resources, as well as pathfinders and guides authored by law librarians, that will faciliate the process of conducting effective SEC research.
Connie Crosby addresses the evolving professional roles and expectations, goals and perspectives of librarians between Baby Boom and Generation X.
Marcus P. Zillman’s bibliographic guide highlights resources that focus on the history of deep web research, as well as dozens of topical sources that will contribute to your search and research efforts, through a range of respositories of valuable data, reports and scholarly literature.
Jason Eiseman’s guide demonstrates how adding RSS to your technological arsenal can enhance the current awareness services you provide, as well as your ability to effectively manage organization-wide information.
Kara Phillips describes how to apply the techniques and theories that are the foundation of a classic book on negotiation to the process of developing electronic licensing agreements that satisfy the requirements of all parties involved.
Ron Friedmann and Joy London have been tracking legal market outsourcing and offshoring since 2005, and offer their insights into how this market will expand in the future.
Brett Burney reviews the improvements in voice-recognition software and recommends that attorneys consider the software as a complementary application to their current choices. In addition, he offers an overview of the new features in the latest version of Acrobat.
The State of the Law Library Blogosphere
by Bonnie Shucha
Bonnie Shucha is Head of Reference, University of Wisconsin Law Library
Pragmatic Approaches to Knowledge Management
By Ron Friedmann, Prism Legal Consulting, Inc.