Category «Search Engines»

Conrad Jacoby’s E-Discovery Update: Attorneys, Experts, and E-Discovery Competence

Conrad J. Jacoby focuses on two recent cases that emphasize the credibility problems counsel can face in the context of e-discovery – and suggest that outside assistance may be the only way for some counsel to demonstrate that these materials are being managed in a competent and trustworthy way.

Subjects: Case Management, Digital Archives, E-Discovery, E-Discovery Update, KM, Search Engines, Search Strategies

Competitive Intelligence on a Shoestring

Susan Armstrong succinctly outlines key techniques and processes used by successful CI experts. Sabrina I. Pacifici’s quick guide focuses on a selected range of strategic CI information and services available from key sources that faciliate an effective CI research process, both in the U.S. and Canada.

Subjects: Competitive Intelligence, Features, Government Resources, Legal Research, Search Engines, Search Strategies

LawPro Links – An A to Z Directory of Web Resources

Sabrina I. Pacifici has revised and updated her guide to a core group of reliable, content rich resources for researchers. Highlighted topics include: a new search engine for legal blogs, one for free federal district court filings, and one for Wikipedia; an updated legal research guide from M.G. Gallagher Law Library, government sponsored e-waste and recycling services, a filmology of librarians in the movies, the 10 best corporate intranets of 2007, the launch of the Anglo-American Legal Tradition Project Website, and much more.

Subjects: Blogs, E-Government, Government Resources, Information Management, Intranets, KM, Law Library Management, Legal Research, Search Engines, Wiki

The Impact of Social Networking Tools and Guidelines to Use Them

LaJean Humphries identifies the wide range of social networking sites with which researchers should be knowlegeable, and addresses legal, privacy and ethical concerns associated with their use. She also provides a bibliography of books, articles and reports that focus on the impact of social networking applications.

Subjects: Cyberlaw, Features, Government Resources, Legal Research, Libraries & Librarians, Privacy, Search Engines

Deep Web Research 2007

Marcus P. Zillman’s bibliographic guide highlights resources that focus on the history of deep web research, as well as dozens of topical sources that will contribute to your search and research efforts, through a range of respositories of valuable data, reports and scholarly literature.

Subjects: Features, Information Management, Internet Resources, Internet Resources - Web Links, Internet Trends, Legal Research, Search Engines, Search Strategies