Category «Economy»

Defending the Indefensible: Chairman Pai’s Lifeline Reversal Will Widen the Digital Divide

Lifeline is one of four FCC programs intended to ensure that all Americans have access to modern communications. This article by Gigi Sohn, who served as Counselor to the Chairman in the Office of FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler until December 2016, elucidates how the new FCC majority fundamentally dislikes the Lifeline Program and will seek to weaken it by any means possible. She begins her discourse with a primer on the Lifeline program to allow researchers to educate themselves with the facts as the battle over dismantling this program evolves.

Subjects: Bridging the digital divide, Communications Law, Economy, Education, Government Resources, Legal Research

How the national library endowment will work

This is an introduction to a critical effort to support local public libraries throughout the United States, not in competition with any other efforts, programs or initiatives, but with the goal to fund a robust, long lived and essential endowment in response to ongoing defunding of critical library staffing and resources in our communities, especially poor land rural localities.

Subjects: Digital Archives, E-Books, Economy, Education, Librarian Resources, Libraries & Librarians, Library Software & Technology

Crowd Funding Resources 2016

This white paper link dataset compilation by Marcus Zillman focuses on reliable and actionable sources and sites on crowd funding from around the world. For many entrepreneurs in the planning stages or for those already creating startups and seeking to develop monetary sources, crowd funding has become an essential part of a financial game plan. This white paper lists many of these sources in alphabetical order to assist researchers and entrepreneurs to leverage a wide range of opportunities specific to their requirements.

Subjects: Business Research, Competitive Intelligence, Economy

New Economy Resources 2016

This guide by Marcus Zillman aggregates significant actionable sources for researchers focused on the “new economy,” including current and historical government data, analytics and alerts from Open Source providers, the private sector, and the legislative and regulatory sectors.

Subjects: Economy, Financial System