Category «Legal Technology»

Deal or No Deal Licensing and Acquiring Digital Resources: License Negotiations

Kara Phillips describes how to apply the techniques and theories that are the foundation of a classic book on negotiation to the process of developing electronic licensing agreements that satisfy the requirements of all parties involved.

Subjects: Deal or No Deal, Electronic Subscriptions, Information Management, Law Librarians, Legal Research, Libraries & Librarians, Library Marketing, Licensing, Online Legal Research Services

Law Librarian One of Top Ten Finalists for Animal Planet Hero of the Year Award

Law Librarian One of Top Ten Finalists for Animal Planet Hero of the Year Award

By Kara Phillips

Kara Phillips, Collection Development Librarian/Associate Director at Seattle University Law Library since 1997, has worked for various state agencies in Washington as a contract librarian as well as the Gallagher Law Library East Asian Law Department and Lane Powell Spears Lubersky. Recipient of a Blakemore Fellowship, she studied Mandarin Chinese at the Stanford Center in Taipei, Taiwan in 1996 and during her sabbatical in 2007 will work in China, setting up an American legal collection at Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Law.

Subjects: Features, Libraries & Librarians

E-Discovery Update – by Fios Inc.: Keeping Current with E-Discovery Law

Conrad J. Jacoby discusses several items that should be at the top of every practitioner’s list of e-discovery orientation activities, including carefully chosing educational activities that can increase an attorney’s ability to successfully work through the e-discovery aspects of their clients’ matters.

Subjects: Continuing Legal Education, E-Discovery, E-Discovery Update, Legal Research

Burney’s Gadgets for Legal Pros – Reviews: Dragon Speaking Naturally 9 and Adobe Acrobat 8

Brett Burney reviews the improvements in voice-recognition software and recommends that attorneys consider the software as a complementary application to their current choices. In addition, he offers an overview of the new features in the latest version of Acrobat.

Subjects: Adobe Acrobat, Burney's Legal Tech Reviews, E-Discovery, Information Management, Legal Technology, Litigation Support