Category «Legal Technology»

KM Best Practices

At a February 2007 large law firm knowledge management meeting, a panel of four KM professionals and the audience discussed best practices and the connection to KM. This article by Ron Friedmann reports the highlights of the discussion at that meeting.

Subjects: Features, KM

Reference from Coast to Coast: Stalking and Finding the Full-Text Article

Jan Bissett and Margi Heinen discuss a successful strategy for locating hard to find articles using a range of sources, including directories, online catalogs, specialized databases, commercial websites, and academic document delivery services.

Subjects: Internet Resources - Web Links, Legal Research, Librarian Resources, Reference from Coast to Coast, Search Strategies

Burney’s Legal Tech Reviews – A Terrific Digital Rolodex and Verizon Broadband Wireless Modem

Brett Burney extols the capabilities of a small, lightweight scanner that offers a convenient way to index, store and access all the business cards you routinely collect. He also recommends a 3G modem card for your laptop that will significantly improve your mobile connectivity.

Subjects: Burney's Legal Tech Reviews, Business Cards, Gadgets, Legal Marketing, Mobile Technology, Telecommuting, WiFi