An Overview of Selected Legal Digital Libraries
George Butterfield and Kristyn Helge review ten major legal digital research portals, assessing, comparing and contrasting their major characteristics and providing guidance on using each one.
George Butterfield and Kristyn Helge review ten major legal digital research portals, assessing, comparing and contrasting their major characteristics and providing guidance on using each one.
At a February 2007 large law firm knowledge management meeting, a panel of four KM professionals and the audience discussed best practices and the connection to KM. This article by Ron Friedmann reports the highlights of the discussion at that meeting.
Computers in Libraries 2007 once again hosted Barbara Fullerton, Sabrina Pacifici and Aaron Schmidt’s popular round-robin of the latest and greatest gadgets, from simple and practical to sophisticated and cutting edge, with recommendations in everyone’s price range.
Jan Bissett and Margi Heinen discuss a successful strategy for locating hard to find articles using a range of sources, including directories, online catalogs, specialized databases, commercial websites, and academic document delivery services.
Conrad J. Jacoby’s column describes with precision and detail the technology, process and associated timeline involved in a data harvesting project.
Brett Burney extols the capabilities of a small, lightweight scanner that offers a convenient way to index, store and access all the business cards you routinely collect. He also recommends a 3G modem card for your laptop that will significantly improve your mobile connectivity.
Terri Wilson heralds the upcoming National Library Week with a range of celebratory, inexpensive and fun suggestions about activities and events that highlight the profession.
Brett Burney reviews a innovative product for those using Bluetooth-enabled laptops as well as the VoIP service, Skype. He also lauds the capabilites of a free tiny download allowing users to customisze the programs and buttons on the Windows taskbar.
Conrad J. Jacoby highlights five “rules of thumb” about e-discovery that are commonly held in the community, and draws clear and exact distinctions between the myths and the reality behind the advice.
Kara Phillips reviews the top ten deal breaking components in license agreements, including: authorized users, damages, indemnification, perpetual access, pricing, privacy, multi-site licensing, and remote access.