Category «Legal Research»

The Directorate of Legal Research at the Library of Congress: A Treasure Hidden Under a Bushel Basket

Michael Ravnitzky pulls back the curtain on a little known but extensive (his findings date back to 1915) and continuously updated source of topical comparative and international law reports, on subjects of public interest, produced each year by experts within the Library of Congress.

Subjects: Features, Government Resources, International Legal Research, Legal Research

Deal or No Deal Licensing and Acquiring Digital Resources: License Negotiations

Kara Phillips describes how to apply the techniques and theories that are the foundation of a classic book on negotiation to the process of developing electronic licensing agreements that satisfy the requirements of all parties involved.

Subjects: Deal or No Deal, Electronic Subscriptions, Information Management, Law Librarians, Legal Research, Libraries & Librarians, Library Marketing, Licensing, Online Legal Research Services