FOIA Facts: Suggestions for FOIA Amendments
Scott A. Hodes recommends four substantive ways in which agency accountability will lead to more effective and efficient processing of FOIA requests.
Scott A. Hodes recommends four substantive ways in which agency accountability will lead to more effective and efficient processing of FOIA requests.
Conrad J. Jacoby highlights five “rules of thumb” about e-discovery that are commonly held in the community, and draws clear and exact distinctions between the myths and the reality behind the advice.
Paul Jenks provides background, perspective and insight into the audience, content and role of a trio of newspapers of record for what he calls the “most inherently partisan institution in the country.” These papers, available in print and online versions, are significant resources for anyone tracking the Hill and Congress.
Kara Phillips reviews the top ten deal breaking components in license agreements, including: authorized users, damages, indemnification, perpetual access, pricing, privacy, multi-site licensing, and remote access.
Brett Burney reviews a innovative product for those using Bluetooth-enabled laptops as well as the VoIP service, Skype. He also lauds the capabilites of a free tiny download allowing users to customisze the programs and buttons on the Windows taskbar.
The 110th Congress included not only new names and faces on the Hill, but a plethora of redesigned e-government sites, many of which are still very much under development. In her column this month, Peggy Garvin focuses on the changes in the House of Representatives website.
Scott A. Hodes recommends three direct techniques to increase the efficient processing of your requests.
Conrad J. Jacoby reviews the latest products from new and familiar companies that are offering legal and litigation support technology applications solutions.
Connie Crosby suggests that publishers implement RSS feeds for new product announcements to help stem the tide of current awareness updates that often end up in the circular file.
Kathy Biehl’s covers a variety of culinary points of interest. After a beverage-laden start, this month’s foray heads into food-related search tools galore.