60 Gadgets in 60 Minutes
Three techie gurus (Barbara Fullerton, Ed Vawter, and Dina Dreifuerst) take you on a whirlwind, freewheeling virtual trip of the latest, greatest, fun, fanciful, must have gadgets available now and in the near future.
Three techie gurus (Barbara Fullerton, Ed Vawter, and Dina Dreifuerst) take you on a whirlwind, freewheeling virtual trip of the latest, greatest, fun, fanciful, must have gadgets available now and in the near future.
In this column, Troy Simpson writes on persuading judges in writing. This first article in the series surveys the history of written advocacy in three jurisdictions — England and Wales, Australia, and America – to show why good written advocacy is vital to the modern lawyer.
Beth Wellington focuses on the issue of pay inequity through an exploration of the positions taken by the administration, Congress, the Supreme Court and various journalists.
Peggy Garvin demonstrates the impact of the Plain Language in Government Communications Act of 2008 on the accessibility of content posted on e-government websites.
Staying current on the latest cases and news in the area of class actions can be challenging, but Scott Russell’s guide to reliable subscription based publications, free legal sites and blogs that offer timely news, analysis and selected copies of court filings, is a valuable resource.
Brett Burney reviews a multi-screen flat panel LCD monitor mount solution and a Wi-Fi gadget that provides network ID, signal strength and accessibility information for multiple networks.
Rob Hudson discusses how Second Life can be used to enhance legal research instruction/ Experiments in full class lectures and other uses of Second Life in higher education offer a mixture of hype and excitement.
Paul Jenks recounts how for the past two years he has run marathons and monitored Congress at the same time, describing how the two experiences are very similar.
Conrad J. Jacoby focuses on two recent cases that emphasize the credibility problems counsel can face in the context of e-discovery – and suggest that outside assistance may be the only way for some counsel to demonstrate that these materials are being managed in a competent and trustworthy way.
Heather A. Phillips reviews Stephen S. Wu’s book whose focus is coming into compliance with the recent and complex new HIPAA requirements.