Category «Search Engines»

The Impact of Social Networking Tools and Guidelines to Use Them

LaJean Humphries identifies the wide range of social networking sites with which researchers should be knowlegeable, and addresses legal, privacy and ethical concerns associated with their use. She also provides a bibliography of books, articles and reports that focus on the impact of social networking applications.

Subjects: Cyberlaw, Features, Government Resources, Legal Research, Libraries & Librarians, Privacy, Search Engines

Deep Web Research 2007

Marcus P. Zillman’s bibliographic guide highlights resources that focus on the history of deep web research, as well as dozens of topical sources that will contribute to your search and research efforts, through a range of respositories of valuable data, reports and scholarly literature.

Subjects: Features, Information Management, Internet Resources, Internet Resources - Web Links, Internet Trends, Legal Research, Search Engines, Search Strategies

Beyond Google and Yahoo: New, Nifty Search Engines to Optimize Your Research

Barbara Fullerton and Sabrina I. Pacifici‘s recommendations focus on subject area and issue-centric sites to facilitate obtaining search results that are better targeted to the scope of your requests. Whether you are looking for government data, blogs, RSS feeds, video, podcasts, news or scientific papers, this guide will serve you well.

Subjects: Business Research, Data Mining, Internet Resources - Web Links, Medical Research, News Resources, RSS Newsfeeds, Search Engines

Indecisive Decision: An Examination of the Greenberg and Faulkner Cases and their Impact on Libraries

Sharon Whitfield examines the conflicting decisions made by the Eleventh Circuit Court in the case of Greenberg v. National Geographic and the Second Circuit Court in the case of Faulkner v. National Geographic and the impact that these court decisions may have on libraries that are looking to reformat their copyrighted material into digital media.

Subjects: CD ROM, Copyright, Information Management, Intellectual Property, Libraries & Librarians, Search Engines, Virtual Library

Beyond Google and Yahoo: Advanced Search

Looking for innovative, comprehensive, focused and reliable alternatives to the limited number of search engines that you have become all to used to relying upon for your research? If so, then Tom Mighell and Sabrina I. Pacifici‘s guide from their ABA TechShow 2006 presentation should be on your reading list.

Subjects: Blogs, Email, Government Resources, Legal Research, RSS Newsfeeds, Search Engines, Search Strategies