Category «KM»

LawPro Links – An A to Z Directory of Web Resources

Sabrina I. Pacifici has revised and updated her guide to a core group of reliable, content rich resources for researchers. Highlighted topics include: a new search engine for legal blogs, one for free federal district court filings, and one for Wikipedia; an updated legal research guide from M.G. Gallagher Law Library, government sponsored e-waste and recycling services, a filmology of librarians in the movies, the 10 best corporate intranets of 2007, the launch of the Anglo-American Legal Tradition Project Website, and much more.

Subjects: Blogs, E-Government, Government Resources, Information Management, Intranets, KM, Law Library Management, Legal Research, Search Engines, Wiki

Indecisive Decision: An Examination of the Greenberg and Faulkner Cases and their Impact on Libraries

Sharon Whitfield examines the conflicting decisions made by the Eleventh Circuit Court in the case of Greenberg v. National Geographic and the Second Circuit Court in the case of Faulkner v. National Geographic and the impact that these court decisions may have on libraries that are looking to reformat their copyrighted material into digital media.

Subjects: CD ROM, Copyright, Information Management, Intellectual Property, Libraries & Librarians, Search Engines, Virtual Library

Guide on the Side – Web Based Training – Click and Learn

Marie Wallace has enjoyed a fulfilling career as a librarian, beginning in 1951 in academia with the University of California and transitioning in 1971 into the private law library world until her 1995 retirement from O’Melveny & Myers. She is the 1997 recipient of the American Association of Law Libraries‘ highest honor, the Marian Gould Gallagher Distinguished Service Award. Throughout her professional life, Marie has been a guiding force in the Southern California Association of Law Libraries, Practising Law Institute’s programs for law librarians and Teaching Legal Research in Private Law Libraries (TRIPLL).

Subjects: Guide on the Side, Training, Web-Based Training