Category «United States Law»

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, October 3, 2020

Privacy and security issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly complex and wide ranging ways technology is used to compromise and diminish our privacy and security, often without our situational awareness. Four highlights from this week: CISA Releases Telework Essentials Toolkit; A New Tool for Detecting Deepfakes Looks for What Isn’t There: an Invisible Pulse; Collection and Use of Biometrics by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services; and What to do when someone steals your identity.

Subjects: AI, Big Data, Civil Liberties, Computer Security, Cybercrime, Cybersecurity, Financial System, Government Resources, KM, Legal Research, Privacy, Technology Trends, Telecommuting

RSS Feeds, PACER, and the Fight for Access to Federal Docket Information

What is RSS and how do federal courts use it? Rebecca Fordon informs us that courts vary in the types of documents they provide via RSS feeds – only about 70% of bankruptcy courts and 50% of district courts provide full feeds. The effort urging courts to fully enable RSS feeds has many advocates and would have a significant positive impact for legal researchers in all sectors.

Subjects: Court Resources, Courts & Technology, Freedom of Information, Government Resources, Legal Technology, Public Records, RSS Newsfeeds, United States Law

How to Identify a Phishing Attempt and Thwart It

There has been a huge surge in phishing attacks and swindles during the COVID-19 pandemic as more people are working remotely. The attacks and scams have been perpetrated against businesses and individuals alike. Catherine Sanders Reach talks about the increased importance for lawyers and their teams in the office or working from home to understand the threats, and how to actively engage in efforts to reduce both individual and enterprise wide exposure.

Subjects: Cybercrime, Cybersecurity, Email, Email Security, Law Firm Security, Privacy

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, September 26, 2020

Privacy and security issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly complex and wide ranging ways technology is used to compromise and diminish our privacy and security, often without our situational awareness. Four highlights from this week: The High Privacy Cost of a “Free” Website; Think Twice Before Using Facebook, Google, or Apple to Sign In Everywhere; Cybercrime and the Law: Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and the 116th Congress; and FinCEN Files Show How Criminals Use Big-Name Banks To Manage Global Financial Corruption.

Subjects: Business Research, Competitive Intelligence, CRS Reports, Cybercrime, Cybersecurity, Economy, Government Resources, Intellectual Property, Legal Research, Privacy, Search Engines, Social Media, United States Law

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, September 20, 2020

Privacy and security issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly complex and wide ranging ways technology is used to compromise and diminish our privacy and security, often without our situational awareness. Four highlights from this week: How to Blur Your House in Google Maps’ Street View; USPS Phishing Texts Are Flooding Phones Across The Country; Creepy ‘Geofence’ Finds Anyone Who Went Near a Crime Scene; and Weather Apps Continue To Share Data With Third Parties.

Subjects: Computer Security, Cybercrime, Cybersecurity, Economy, Email Security, Privacy

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, September 12, 2020

Privacy and security issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly complex and wide ranging ways technology is used to compromise and diminish our privacy and security, often without our situational awareness. Four highlights from this week: Even a Federal Judge Agrees That the FBI and NSA Are Flouting Civil Liberty Safeguards; Chinese hackers go after UNC for COVID-19 vaccine info; COVID-19 and Emerging Global Patterns of Financial Crime; and The State Of Identity Security, 2020.

Subjects: Civil Liberties, Cybercrime, Cyberlaw, Cybersecurity, Economy, Education, Financial System, Government Resources, Health, Legal Research, Privacy

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, September 6, 2020

Privacy and security issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly complex and wide ranging ways technology is used to compromise and diminish our privacy and security, often without our situational awareness. Four highlights from this week: Amazon’s Alexa for Landlords Is a Privacy Nightmare in the Making; This Email Could Wreak Havoc on the 2020 Election; How can you spot a tech support scam?; and Republicans flooding internet with deceptive videos and Big Tech isn’t keeping up.

Subjects: Cybercrime, Cybersecurity, Email Security, Information Architecture, Privacy, Search Engines

Why Steve Bannon faces fraud charges: 4 questions answered

Federal prosecutors in New York have arrested former senior Trump adviser Steve Bannon and three other men, and charged them with allegedly defrauding hundreds of thousands of donors to an online fundraising campaign to build portions of wall along the U.S. border with Mexico. Lloyd Hitoshi Mayer, a University of Notre Dame law professor who researches nonprofits, explains what’s going on and what the consequences could be.

Subjects: Business Research, Financial System, Legal Research, United States Law

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, August 29, 2020

Privacy and security issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly complex and wide ranging ways technology is used to compromise and diminish our privacy and security, often without our situational awareness. Four highlights from this week: How Smartphone Location Tracking Works, and What You Can Do About It; Deep Fakes and National Security; How Facebook and Other Sites Manipulate Your Privacy Choices; and Voice phishing attacks on the rise, CISA, FBI warn private sector.

Subjects: AI, Civil Liberties, Cybercrime, Education, Email Security, Encryption, Gadgets/Gizmos, Health, KM, Legal Research, Privacy, Social Media

Finding Email Addresses

Across most sectors, customer support is no longer provided by human contacts but rather leads customers into endless telephone loops of menus, dealing with chatbots, or receiving emails from “no-reply” addresses. Finding email addresses for actual people is very difficult but Michael Ravnitzky’s article features proven tools and techniques to locate and use the email address of individuals within organizations who should be responding to your issues and complaints and providing you with a satisfactory resolution.

Subjects: AI, Business Research, E-Commerce, Email, Search Engines, Search Strategies