Year archives: 2007

Criminal Justice Resources: Criminal Justice Library Internships

As Ken Strutin states, a library internship is one of the first opportunities for students to experience professional life and learn practical lessons in librarianship. His collection of resources will be useful to library students and aid their host libraries in answering questions, assembling training materials, and offering guidance in professional development.

Subjects: Criminal Law, Law Librarians, Legal Research Training, Librarian Resources

The Goverment Domain: GovTrack and OpenCongress Go Beyond THOMAS

Peggy Garvin explores the evolution in the features and services provided by GovTrack, the free, public, independent web service with information on federal legislation, congressional documents, legislators, and votes. She also profiles a site with complementary content on lobbying activity and campaign contributions.

Subjects: Congress, E-Government, Legal Research, Legislative, The Government Domain