CongressLine by – The Earmark – Part 2
Paul Jenks continues his discussion of an earmark, which is the specific direction of funding for a specific project within the appropriations or authorization bill. His explanation of this rather complex issue will serve you well as you learn more about legislative research and legislative history.
E-Discovery Update – by Fios Inc. – Working With Obsolete Data
Conrad J. Jacoby Legal teams that find themselves working with vintage media should approach these materials with caution—but not with fear. Several basic strategies can help teams manage the issues that arise when potentially relevant data is not readily accessible.
FOIA Facts: Sunshine Week and Other Things
Scott A. Hodes reminds us why the goal of Sunshine Week, which is to elevate the public’s awareness on the importance of governmental disclosure laws, is one that has become increasingly important to pursue every week, year round.
Faulkner’s Practical Web Strategies for Attorneys: I’ll Take My Legal News to Go Please – A Intro to Podcasting
Frederick L. Faulkner IV explains the basics of podcasting, its future role as a platform for CLE credits, and tools for locating, subscribing to and downloading podcasts. He also highlights the work of lawyers who are pioneering the delivery of content using this application.
Burney’s Gadgets for Legal Pros – Reviews: Treo 700w; Free Personal Firewall; WiFi Security; Free Backup Program
Brett Burney recommends the new Treo 700w to those who prefer the Windows Mobile OS to that offered by Palm. He also talks about free and low cost firewall and and antivirus programs, as well as how to secure your Wi-Fi network at home and on the road. Last but not least, Brett heralds a free, easy to use back-up system for your PC.
The Government Domain: New GPO Catalog of Government Publications
Peggy Garvin reviews the new searchable catalog of current and historical federal congressional, executive, and judicial publications that are in print, electronic, and other formats.
The Tao of Law Librarianship: Are You Ready for Podcasting?
Connie Crosby describes the hardware and software options available to create and maintain a podcast. She also delves into the reasons why this may be a perfect medium for teaching law students and lawyers. Connie’s investigation into podcasting reveals that a range of topical content is available, produced by professionals and hobbyists. This is a great guide to an emerging technology that offers interesting opportunities to teach, train and communicate in an interactive and cost effective manner.
Analyze This: The Evolution of Competitive Intelligence Products for the Legal Profession
Competitive intelligence and marketing expert Donna Cavallini reviews ALM Research Online, a service that allows users to search, sort and analyze key legal industry data. Donna’s bottom line: this is a “must-have tool.”
Interpretation and Translation Resources for the Criminal Justice System
Ken Strutin’s series of articles on Criminal Justice Resources continues with this extensive bibliography that includes: Foreign Language Publications & Websites; Directories and Services; Deaf and Hard of Hearing Resources; Ethics and Standards; Federal and State Court Interpreter Programs and Reference Sources.