Category «Technology Trends»

Journalism Resources on the Internet

This guide by Marcus P. Zillman is a comprehensive listing of journalism resources and sites on the Internet. These sources provide researchers with a wealth of reliable, topical and comprehensive data, information, reports, images, bibliographies, style and writing guides, from a wide range of public, institutional, association, advocacy and news organizations.

Subjects: Business Research, Competitive Intelligence, Features, Search Engines, Search Strategies, Technology Trends

Statistics Resources and Big Data on the Internet 2013

Marcus P. Zillman has updated his best practices bibliography of sites and reliable sources focused on the hot topic of statistics and big data. These sources are representative of multiple publishers, national and global – government, academia, NGOs, and industry, many of which leverage open source and collaborative applications.

Subjects: Features, Government Resources, Internet Resources - Web Links, Legal Research, Technology Trends

New Economy Resources 2013

The world is rapidly changing as government data transparency, Big Data and the ability to access actionable information from institutional databases is increasingly released on the web without restrictive fees or subscriptions. This new guide by web research guru Marcus P. Zillman comprises the leading world wide web resources for discovering new knowledge and leveraging the latest reliable data on the New Economy.

Subjects: Business Research, Features, Government Resources, Internet Resources - Web Links, Legal Research, Technology Trends

Googles powerful Nexus 10 Android tablet as a library patrons delight: The hardware and the apps that shine on it

David H. Rothman reviews the Android Nexus 10, which he considers a standout from among the well known group of available e-book readers. David documents key reasons to choose this e-reading machine, including the 10-inch screen, which can easily display 500 or 600 words of text. He also highlights a wide range of essential apps available for researchers, librarians, knowledge managers and of course, book lovers.

Subjects: Features, Gadgets, Gadgets/Gizmos, Internet Resources - Web Links, Internet Trends, Library Software & Technology, Mobile Technology, News Resources, Search Engines, Search Strategies, Technology Trends

Litigation, trial and pre-trail iPad apps for lawyers

One of the most popular and rapidly growing categories of apps for lawyers are those developed for litigation, during trials and during the pretrial discovery phase. In this article, attorney, legal blogger and legal tech expert Nicole Black recommends more than a dozen affordable, flexible and innovative iPad apps to assist attorneys in their work to develop, streamline, simplify and track critical litigation processes.

Subjects: Courts & Technology, Criminal Law, Legal Research, Legal Technology, Litigation Support, Mobile Tech, Mobile Technology, Technology Trends

Academic and Scholar Search Engines and Sources – An Annotated Link Compilation

This new guide by research guru Marcus P. Zillman focuses on the latest and most significant academic and scholar search engines and sources. With the addition of new and pertinent information continually released online from every sector, it is very easy to experience information overload. A real asset in responding to the challenges of so much data is to apply techniques to identify and locate significant, reliable academic and scholarly information that resides in both the visible and invisible web. The following selected academic and scholar search engines and sources offer a wide range of actionable information retrieval and extraction sources to help you accomplish your research goals.

Subjects: Competitive Intelligence, Features, Information Mapping, Search Engines, Search Strategies, Technology Trends

“Stolen” LinkedIn Profiles and the Misappropriation of Ideas

Within the context of the decline of the law tort of “hot news” misappropriation, Professor Annemarie Bridy discusses a recent Pennsylvania case in which the parties are fighting over ownership of a LinkedIn account containing the plaintiff’s profile and her professional connections. The defendant, the former employer, asserted a state law counterclaim for misappropriation of ideas.

Subjects: Copyright, Legal Research, Legal Technology, Technology Trends

Deep Web Research 2012

Marcus P. Zillman’s extensive research over the years into the “invisible” or “deep” web indicates that it covers somewhere in the vicinity of 1 trillion plus pages of information located throughout the Internet in various files and formats that current search engines either cannot locate, or have difficulty accessing. The current search engines find hundreds of billions of pages at the time of this publication. His guide provides extensive and targeted resources to facilitate both a better understanding of the history of deep web research as well to effectively and productively search for and locate these often undiscovered but critical documents.

Subjects: Features, Information Management, Internet Filtering, Internet Resources - Web Links, KM, Legal Technology, Library Software & Technology, Open Source, Search Engines, Search Strategies, Technology Trends

Knowledge Discovery Resources 2012 – An Internet MiniGuide Annotated Link Compilation

This guide by Marcus P. Zillman is focused on the latest and most competent resources for knowledge discovery available through the Internet from a wide range of open source authors and sponsors. These sites are sustained by academics, publishers, professional organizations, corporations, governments and NGOs. With the constant addition of new and pertinent information to the Web, a critical key is to find and leverage the relevant and reliable knowledge discovery resources and sites both in the visible and invisible World Wide Web. The selected knowledge discovery resources and sites compiled by Marcus provide a wealth of knowledge and information discovery sources to facilitate your research goals.

Subjects: Competitive Intelligence, Data Mining, Features, Information Management, Internet Resources, Internet Resources - Web Links, KM, Legal Technology, Portals, Search Engines, Technology Trends