Category «Legal Technology»
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Features – The New Legal Technology Arena
The New Legal Technology Arena By Sabrina I. Pacifici (Posted November 18, 1996; Archived January 3, 1997)
Sabrina I. Pacifici has been a legal newsletter editor and publisher for the past decade, as well as a law librarian in Washington, D.C. for 18 years. She is the Editor of Law Library Resource Xchange (LLRX).
Features – Best Legal Practices for Open Source Software: Ten Tips For Managing Legal Risks for Businesses Using Open Source So
Best Legal Practices for Open Source Software: Ten Tips For Managing Legal Risks for Businesses Using Open Source Software
By Dennis Kennedy
Features – ERPs or Data Warehouses for Law Firms?
Subjects: Features, Information Management, Law Firm MarketingE-Discovery Update – by Fios Inc.: Cost Savings With New Federal Rules of Civil Procedure for e-Discovery?
Mary Mack, Esq. – Technology Counsel, Director, Solution Design, Fios, Inc. Whether in response to an inquiry, a second request or class action litigation, Mary brings legal and technical professionals together in a collaborative and focused manner to determine a successful, cost effective and sustainable course of compliance with electronic data requests. She has twenty years experience delivering enterprise-wide software projects with IT departments in publicly held companies. Mary has assisted counsel, IT and litigation support professionals identify, reduce, gather, analyze and produce over 1500 terabytes of data. Clients include the largest law firms, pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies in the world. A member of the Illinois Bar, ACCA and the ABA’s Section on Litigation, Mary received her J.D. from Northwestern University School of Law (1982) and a B.A. from LeMoyne College in Syracuse, NY. She holds certifications in Computer Forensics and Computer Telephony. Mary is the coauthor of A Process of Illumination: The Practical Guide to Electronic Discovery.
E-Discovery Update – by Fios Inc.
The Tao of Law Librarianship: Do-It-Yourself Professional Development
Connie Crosby is Library Manager at WeirFoulds LLP in Toronto, Canada. She is a regular contributor to Slaw, a co-operative weblog about Canadian legal research and information technology, and writes her own self-titled blogs for law librarians. She is Co-Chair of the Northeast Regional Law Libraries Meeting to be held in Toronto – October 17-21, 2007, is Past President of the Toronto Association of Law Libraries and currently serves as Member at Large for the Canadian Association of Law Libraries.
CongressLine by On the Floor, In Congress
CongressLine, by On the Floor, In Congress
By Paul Jenks
Features – Are You Ready for Local Search?
Are You Ready for Local Search?
By Frederick L. Faulkner IV
Frederick L. Faulkner IV is the Webmaster for the American Bar Association. Fred writes about the convergence of Internet technology and how it integrates into business and marketing on his website.
The Tao of Law Librarianship: Invite Your Librarian to a Client Event
Connie Crosby is Library Manager at WeirFoulds LLP in Toronto, Canada. She is a regular contributor to Slaw, a co-operative weblog about Canadian legal research and information technology, and writes her own self-titled blogs for law librarians. She is Co-Chair of the Northeast Regional Law Libraries Meeting to be held in Toronto – October 17-21, 2007, is Past President of the Toronto Association of Law Libraries and currently serves as Member at Large for the Canadian Association of Law Libraries.