Commentary: Is Nuclear Energy Clean and Safe?
Beth Wellington examines issues related to the management, safety and economic costs of nuclear energy in light of shifting support for and opposition to its use.
Beth Wellington examines issues related to the management, safety and economic costs of nuclear energy in light of shifting support for and opposition to its use.
Legal research and training expert Mary Whisner details the many resources and services (such as databases, books, conference space) available to solo practitioners that are provided by public law libraries.
Looking for innovative, comprehensive, focused and reliable alternatives to the limited number of search engines that you have become all to used to relying upon for your research? If so, then Tom Mighell and Sabrina I. Pacifici‘s guide from their ABA TechShow 2006 presentation should be on your reading list.
Susan Nevelow Mart examines the legal basis of the public’s right to access government information, reviews the types of information that have recently been removed from the Internet, and analyzes the rationales given for the removals. The article suggests that the concerted use of the Freedom of Information Act by public interest groups and their constituents is a possible method of returning the information to the Internet.
Barbara Fullerton and Sabrina I. Pacifici recommend 70 sites whose content and features will enhance your research on subjects that include: news, people finders, U.S. and international competitive intelligence data, state and federal government resources, cybersecurity, blogs, health, finance, locating audio, music and videos online, and accessing open source scholarly literature.
According to e-discovery expert Conrad J. Jacoby, although not all litigation matters or internal investigations gather substantive, unique information by reviewing voice mail messages, at the very least, these electronic documents are now an information source that should be considered in developing any discovery plan.
Scott A. Hodes’s commentary addresses the recent Executive Order requiring that each federal agency improve its FOIA performance.
According to Paul Jenks, the recipe for scandal and corruption is very simple and all the ingredients are always in the Congressional pantry, so read his article and get the inside track on what is happening on the Hill.
Matt Schruers and Jonathan Band comment on a recent opinion addressing the fair use implications of Internet file-sharing by end users.
Kathy Biehl looks at a search tool that embraces the concept of customer service, samples the singular specialty of pizza law, and nibbles through the catalog of a cookie company with something for everyone – even people with food allergies.