Category «Features»

Social Networks for Law Librarians and Law Libraries, or How We Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Friending

Debbie Ginsberg and Meg Kribble discuss how social networks create links between people, forming connections based on interests, expertise, past employment or education, and friendships. They specifically focus on how law librarians can use social networks such as LinkedIn, Ning, Facebook, and even MySpace to promote useful websites and legal resources as well their own expertise and interests.

Subjects: Features

Deep Web Research 2008

According to Marcus P. Zillman, the “Deep Web” encompasses in the vicinity of 900 billion pages of information in various files and formats. Search engines currently locate approximately 20 billion pages, so this guide is a valuable tool for those who research a broad range of issues and seek wider access to a wide spectrum of reliable data, reports and information, regardless of format.

Subjects: Features, Internet Resources, Internet Resources - Web Links, Internet Trends, Reference Resources

Cultural Challenges in Cross Border Mediation

Vikrant Singh Negi discusses how the role of cultural differences are crucial in cross border mediation. Although an individual’s nationality does not necessarily determine the attitudes and behavior brought to the table, it can provide valuable guidelines as to which negotiation strategies are likely to work and which are likely to end in failure.

Subjects: Arbitration & Dispute Resolution, Comparative/Foreign Law, Features, Legal Research

Competitive Intelligence on a Shoestring

Susan Armstrong succinctly outlines key techniques and processes used by successful CI experts. Sabrina I. Pacifici’s quick guide focuses on a selected range of strategic CI information and services available from key sources that faciliate an effective CI research process, both in the U.S. and Canada.

Subjects: Competitive Intelligence, Features, Government Resources, Legal Research, Search Engines, Search Strategies