Category «Legal Technology»

The Tao of Law Librarianship: Do-It-Yourself Professional Development, Part II

Connie Crosby relates the experiences of several colleagues whose career development paths led to opportunities to work in libraries abroad, and on projects that they may not have otherwise considered. Their stories highlight creative ways to develop professional credentials as well as to expand personal horizons.

Subjects: Communication Skills, Law Librarians, Libraries & Librarians, Library Marketing

Domain Name Registration

Welcome to Reference From Coast to Coast: Sources and Strategies, a monthly column written by the KMZ librarians. Headquartered in Chicago, Katten Muchin Zavis has reference librarians in Washington DC, Chicago and Los Angeles. There are eight professional librarians who are assisted by a great support staff. The KMZ librarians field questions and participate in research in a myriad of subject areas. This column will highlight some of our favorite reference sources and research techniques in the hope that sharing information will help you in your day to day jobs. We welcome all of your comments and questions, and would particularly like feedback on sources and strategies that YOU use for research on our column topics.

Subjects: Libraries & Librarians