Category «Legal Technology»

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By Margaret Berkland

Margaret Berkland is the president of Data Vision Design, Inc., which specializes in providing IT solutions to the legal community. Founded in Fredericksburg, VA in 1989, Data Vision Design, Inc. provides services that include: applications development, business process design, applications integration, electronic file tracking and, access expedition. Prior to becoming the president of DataVision Design, Inc., Margaret was the Info. Resources Technology Specialist for McKenna & Cuneo .

Published June 28, 2002

Subjects: Internet Resources - Web Links, Latest Links

Burney's Legal Tech Reviews – FineReader, Pocket KeyPad, Targus Notebook Light, Mozilla Awakens

Brett Burney is the Legal Technology Support Coordinator at Thompson Hine in Cleveland, Ohio. He regularly reviews products for’s Automated Lawyer and Law Office Computing Magazine. Feel free to e-mail Brett with your legal-technology questions at [email protected].

Subjects: Burney's Legal Tech Reviews, Legal Technology, Product Reviews, Web Utilities

Latest Links

By Margaret Berkland

Margaret Berkland is the president of Data Vision Design, Inc., which specializes in providing IT solutions to the legal community. Founded in Fredericksburg, VA in 1989, Data Vision Design, Inc. provides services that include: applications development, business process design, applications integration, electronic file tracking and, access expedition. Prior to becoming the president of DataVision Design, Inc., Margaret was the Info. Resources Technology Specialist for McKenna & Cuneo .

Published June 17, 2002

Subjects: Internet Resources - Web Links, Latest Links

Extras – Personal KM and Radio

Rick Klau is VP, Vertical Markets at Interface Software, Inc. A graduate of the University of Richmond School of Law, Klau founded the world’s first student-edited law journal to publish exclusively online, The Richmond Journal of Law & Technology. He is co-author (with Erik Heels) of a best-selling book about the use of the Internet in the legal profession, and is co-author of a regular column in the ABA Law Practice Management Magazine on various topics relating to law and technology. Klau contributes regularly to his personal weblog. He can be reached by e-mail at [email protected].

Subjects: Blogs, Extras, Information Management