The Government Domain: Tracking Federal Dollars
Peggy Garvin reviews the strengths, weaknesses and range of source material offered by several free online federal contracts and awards information databases.
Peggy Garvin reviews the strengths, weaknesses and range of source material offered by several free online federal contracts and awards information databases.
Scott A. Hodes maintains that there are pros and cons to setting up an ombudsman’s office, and the overall scheme may not be the answer in resolving the number of disputes that arise in the disclosure of public records.
Scott A. Hodes recommends four substantive ways in which agency accountability will lead to more effective and efficient processing of FOIA requests.
Beth Wellington reviews the administration’s position on FY 2008 funding for nuclear power programs, as well as the impact of these programs on climate change.
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has for the first time released a massive two-part compilation of Comptroller General decisions and opinions that are included in two Excel spreadsheets. The first spreadsheet contains decisions from 1990 through present The second spreadsheet contains decisions prior to 1990. Michael Ravnitzky reports the details.
Sabrina I. Pacifici has revised and updated her guide to a core group of reliable, content rich resources for researchers. Highlighted topics include: a new search engine for legal blogs, one for free federal district court filings, and one for Wikipedia; an updated legal research guide from M.G. Gallagher Law Library, government sponsored e-waste and recycling services, a filmology of librarians in the movies, the 10 best corporate intranets of 2007, the launch of the Anglo-American Legal Tradition Project Website, and much more.
According to Paul Jenks’ commentary, the role Congress plays in foreign affairs requires some tempering of any enthusiasm as well. The President still holds the primary responsibility for foreign relations and trade policy.
The 110th Congress included not only new names and faces on the Hill, but a plethora of redesigned e-government sites, many of which are still very much under development. In her column this month, Peggy Garvin focuses on the changes in the House of Representatives website.
Jan Bissett and Margi Heinen’s pathfinder is a guide to specific commercial, government, academic and association sources that will assist you in focusing your results as you research this area of the law.
Scott A. Hodes recommends three direct techniques to increase the efficient processing of your requests.