Category «Communication Skills»

The Tao of Law Librarianship: Do-It-Yourself Professional Development, Part II

Connie Crosby relates the experiences of several colleagues whose career development paths led to opportunities to work in libraries abroad, and on projects that they may not have otherwise considered. Their stories highlight creative ways to develop professional credentials as well as to expand personal horizons.

Subjects: Communication Skills, Law Librarians, Libraries & Librarians, Library Marketing

Guide on the Side – Final Words: Delivering a Eulogy

Previous Articles by Marie Wallace

Marie Wallace has enjoyed a fulfilling career as a librarian, beginning in 1951 in academia with the University of California and transitioning in 1971 into the private law library world until her 1995 retirement from O’Melveny & Myers. She is the 1997 recipient of the American Association of Law Libraries‘ highest honor, the Marian Gould Gallagher Distinguished Service Award. Throughout her professional life, Marie has been a guiding force in the Southern California Association of Law Libraries, Practising Law Institute’s programs for law librarians and Teaching Legal Research in Private Law Libraries (TRIPLL).

Subjects: Communication Skills, Guide on the Side, Presentation Skills