Notes from the Technology Trenches – November, 1998

Notes from the Technology Trenches By Elizabeth H. Klampert

Elizabeth H. Klampert is the Director of Library Services for the Association of the Bar of the City of New York. Ms. Klampert was formerly a litigator for five years, specializing in professional liability litigation. Before attending law school, she was a corporate librarian for twelve years, holding management positions in libraries in a number of large organizations, including Rainier National Bank in Seattle, Deloitte & Touche, and Merrill Lynch, both in New York. She received both her BA in English and MLS from the University of Washington in Seattle. She received her JD at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law in New York.

Subjects: Notes from the Technology Trenches, Technology Trends

Extras – The Library of the New Millennium – The Virtual Possibilities

The Library of the New Millennium – The Virtual Possibilities By Cindy L. Chick Presentation at the Orange County Bar Assn./Association of Legal Administrators’ OC Tech 8: Legal Technology Symposium and Trade Show October 23, 1998, Costa Mesa Click here for Powerpoint Presentation

(Posted November 18, 1998; Archived December 15, 1998)

Subjects: Extras, Law Library Management, Virtual Library

Latest Links – ABA Administrative Procedure Database, etc….

(Posted November 18, 1998; Archived December 1, 1998)

mb.gifABA Administrative Procedure Database

This site provides links to ALJ salaries, ABA Model ALJ Act, 1941 A.G. Report, 1947 A.G. Manual, ACUS recommendations, organizations, journals and discussion lists. Most notably it has links to state legal information and proposed revisions to state administrative acts.

Subjects: Internet Resources - Web Links, Latest Links

Extras – Electronic Filing Now Possible in U.S. Trademark Office

Electronic Filing Now Possible in U.S. Trademark Office By Carl Oppedahl

Carl Oppedahl was one of the founding partners of Oppedahl & Larson, and has served as an adjunct professor at Cardozo Law School where he taught Advanced Patent Law. He is on the faculty of the Practicing Law Institute’s Patent Bar Review Course. Carl Oppedahl writes a column on legal technology for the New York Law Journal.

Subjects: Extras, Intellectual Property

Features – A Selected Review of Web Utilities for Browsing, Monitoring, Collecting and Printing Web Sites

A Selected Review of Web Utilities for Browsing, Monitoring, Collecting and Printing Web Sites By Roger Vicarius Skalbeck

Roger Vicarius Skalbeck is the Library Systems Specialist at the Washington, D.C. firm of Williams and Connolly, and is the Assistant Chair for the Web Committee of the Law Librarians’ Society of Washington, D.C. Current work activities include efforts to develop creative solutions to technology based legal research problems, from a librarian’s point of view.

Subjects: Features, Product Reviews, Web Utilities

Latest Links – BizInfo, etc….

(Posted November 1, 1998; Archived November 18, 1998)


This site is a guide to conducting business research on the Internet. The site was created by Kirk Goldman, a Harvard Business School Research Associate. The site is divided into thirteen categories with a fourteenth category to be added soon (Entrepreneurial Information): Company Profiles; Stock Quotes; General Business News; Newspapers & Magazines; International News; Economic Information; Investment Information; Government Information; Patents; Company Directories; Travel Information; Search Engines; and Industry Information.

Subjects: Internet Resources - Web Links, Latest Links

Features – Growing Your Marketing Department into a Knowledge Management Team: Aim to Hire Assets Not Overhead

Growing Your Marketing Department into a Knowledge Management Team: Aim to Hire Assets Not Overhead By Linda Sedloff Orton

Linda Sedloff Orton is president of Intelligent Marketing Solutions, Inc. a NY based marketing placement firm specializing in law firms, accounting firms and not-for-profits. She is also president for the NY Chapter of the Legal Marketing Associations. She can be reached at 212-420-9777.

Subjects: Features, Law Firm Marketing