Category «Encryption»

Guide to Privacy Resources 2019

This guide by Marcus Zillman is a comprehensive listing of free privacy applications, tools and services that users may implement across multiple devices. These applications are from a range of sources that include small and large tech companies as well as subject matter specific websites, consumer industry groups and organizations. The focus of this article is on leveraging the latest technology and information that allows users to: (1) identify privacy issues and (2) implement privacy protections specific to their requirements, that span email, phone calls, chats, text messages, web browsing, computer drives and files, networks, collaboration spaces, and your photos.

Subjects: Computer Security, Cybersecurity, Email Security, Encryption, Privacy, Social Media, Viruses & Hoaxes

Burney’s Gadgets for Legal Pros – Reviews: Treo 700w; Free Personal Firewall; WiFi Security; Free Backup Program

Brett Burney recommends the new Treo 700w to those who prefer the Windows Mobile OS to that offered by Palm. He also talks about free and low cost firewall and and antivirus programs, as well as how to secure your Wi-Fi network at home and on the road. Last but not least, Brett heralds a free, easy to use back-up system for your PC.

Subjects: Burney's Legal Tech Reviews, Encryption, Firewalls, Gadgets, Gadgets/Gizmos, Legal Research, Viruses & Hoaxes, Web Utilities, WiFi

CongressLine – The Fall of Discontent: The Encryption Controversy

Return to Library CongressLine The Fall of Discontent: The Encryption Controversy

by Carol M. Morrissey

Carol M. Morrissey has been the Legislative Specialist for the Washington, D. C. office of Chicago’s Sidley & Austin for 11 years. She is a lawyer and legislative expert who has also authored a Congressional update column for the last 4 years.

(Posted November 1, 1997; Archived December 1, 1997)

Subjects: CongressLine, Encryption