Category «Legal Research»
FOIA Facts: Who or What Constitutes Media under the FOIA?
[Editor’s note: please see the related article in this issue, Statement of Meredith Fuchs, General Counsel, The National Security Archive Before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Hearing on the Media’s Role and Responsibilities in Leaks of Classified Information.]
E-Discovery Update – by Fios Inc.: How Well Can You Protect Privilege Through Private Contract?
Conrad J. Jacoby, Esq. is a member of The Sedona Conference® and a contributing columnist for Fios, Inc. His work focuses on the areas of information management, e-discovery, and litigation support.
E-Discovery Update – by Fios Inc.
CongressLine by Congressional Seedlings
Subjects: Congress, CongressLineFOIA Facts: The Return of the Backlog
Scott A. Hodes is a sole practitioner in Washington, D.C., practicing Information and Privacy Law. Mr. Hodes assists clients in gaining access to government records under the FOIA, Privacy Act and other federal agency access provisions. Prior to entering private practice, Mr. Hodes was an attorney at the Department of Justice for over a decade. He served in the FBI’s Freedom of Information/Privacy Act Section from 1998 until 2002 as the Acting Chief of that Section’s Litigation Unit. Mr. Hodes served at the Department of Justice’s Office of Information and Privacy from 1991 until 1998. His website is , and he is a member of the DC and Maryland bars.
FOIA Facts
E-Discovery Update – by Fios Inc.: Controlling the Accidental Release of Digital Information
Conrad J. Jacoby, Esq. is a member of The Sedona Conference® and a contributing columnist for Fios, Inc. His work focuses on the areas of information management, e-discovery, and litigation support.
E-Discovery Update – by Fios Inc.
CongressLine by The State Legislatures
CongressLine, by The State Legislatures
By Paul Jenks
Published June 18, 2006
Features – A Selected Bibliography on “Sensitive But Unclassified” and Similarly Designated Information Held by the Federal Govt
A Selected Bibliography on “Sensitive But Unclassified” and Similarly Designated Information Held by the Federal Government
By Sara E. Kelley
Features – Foreign and Transnational Legal Forms
Foreign and Transnational Legal Forms
By Mary Rumsey
Mary Rumsey is the Foreign, Comparative & International Librarian at the University of Minnesota Law Library. Mary is also contributing author to the Electronic Information System for International Law (EISIL). She has a B.A. degree from the University of Wisconsin, a J.D. from the University of Chicago Law School, and a master’s degree in library and information science from Dominican University.
Features – Wrongful Conviction and Innocence Resources on the Internet
Wrongful Conviction and Innocence Resources on the Internet
By Ken Strutin
Ken Strutin (JD, MLS) is an experienced law librarian, criminal defense attorney, and well-known writer and speaker. He is the author of The Insider’s Guide: Criminal Justice Resources on the Internet, and has lectured extensively about the benefits of using the Internet for legal research at national and local CLE training programs. Mr. Strutin also wrote ALI-ABA’s Practice Checklist Manual on Representing Criminal Defendants, and co-authored the award winning Legal Research Methodology computer tutorial, published by the Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI). He has contributed chapters to several books and written many articles concerning knowledge management, legal research and criminal law. Mr. Strutin has taught courses in Advanced Legal Research and Law Office Management. He is also listed in Who’s Who in American Law. Currently, Mr. Strutin is the Director of Legal Information Services at the New York State Defenders Association and writes a column for the New York Law Journal.