Day archives: August 27th, 2024

The Best of America – Captured in Print for the First Time

Oregon Loves New York: A Story of American Unity After 9/11 documents an important event in American history that is little known: the Flight for Freedom, an achievement unequaled by any other community in the United States. Written by Sally Ruth Bourrie with a new edition in 2023, Oregon Loves New York is available online at independent bookstores and major retailers.

Subjects: Education, KM

Artificial Intelligence and the Law

David Colarusso founded and co-directs the Suffolk University Law School’s Legal Innovation & Technology (LIT) Lab. By training he is an attorney and science educator. By experience, he’s a data scientist, craftsman, and writer. LLRX is pleased to share what Colarusso states is not a traditional syllabus, because this class he is teaching is not a traditional class. He won’t just ask you to “think like a lawyer,” he will require that you act like one. In-class time will be devoted mostly to running simulations of varying fidelity for ten potentially precedent making cases and arguing the merits of proposed AI legislation. In addition to serving as an attorney—taking a case from trial through appeal—you will have the chance to act as a judge, jury, legislator, and legislative advisor. He says…”we’re in for some serious play.”

Subjects: AI, Communications, Courts & Technology, Education, Legal Research, Legislative, United States Law