Criminal Justice Resources – Clemency Law
Ken Strutin’s article surveys select online resources for seeking clemency as well as guides and research materials on the administration of this important form of relief.
Ken Strutin’s article surveys select online resources for seeking clemency as well as guides and research materials on the administration of this important form of relief.
Frederick L. Faulkner IV recommends reliable, cost effective web tools and services to help solos and small firms manage a range of essential office, communication, information and IT challenges.
This month Peggy Garvin turns the spotlight to the states with a guide to some of the most useful, free web reference sources covering the governments of the fifty states. These resources are not specific to a single state, but rather provide nationwide coverage of state information. They can help you find state personnel, news, legislation, laws, regulations, policy updates, and statistics.
Connie Crosby’s presentation illustrates and recommends a range of innovative applications that can be applied in any library setting to enhance, expand and diversify the dissemination of services and support for users.
Computers in Libraries 2007 once again hosted Barbara Fullerton, Sabrina Pacifici and Aaron Schmidt’s popular round-robin of the latest and greatest gadgets, from simple and practical to sophisticated and cutting edge, with recommendations in everyone’s price range.
Peggy Garvin reviews the strengths, weaknesses and range of source material offered by several free online federal contracts and awards information databases.
Louise Tsang’s updated guide focuses on important information print and electronic sources specific to the protection of cultural property in wartime, international trade in cultural property, and the laws applicable to the illicit traffic of art and antiquities.
Beth Wellington investigates recent Presidential appointments that have proved controversial on the Hill, and have subsequently been withdrawn.
This set of presentations is from the Social Security Administration, obtained by an reader, via a FOIA request. It was developed as a top-level summary type internal briefing for SSA managers on FOIA.
Jan Bissett and Margi Heinen discuss a successful strategy for locating hard to find articles using a range of sources, including directories, online catalogs, specialized databases, commercial websites, and academic document delivery services.