Category «Email Security»

Conrad Jacoby’s E-Discovery Update: Minimizing E-Mail Archive Data Conversion Issues

According to Conrad J. Jacoby e-mail conversion is done without a second thought in many e-discovery projects, and the results are often satisfactory to both producing and requesting parties. However, each major e-mail archive architecture uses a fundamentally different method for storing information about e-mail messages, and sometimes some collateral damage will occur.

Subjects: Case Management, Computer Security, Conflicts, Digital Archives, Disaster Planning, Discovery, E-Discovery, Email, Email Security, Information Architecture

E-Discovery Update – by Fios Inc.: Assessing the Importance of Voice Mail In Discovery

According to e-discovery expert Conrad J. Jacoby, although not all litigation matters or internal investigations gather substantive, unique information by reviewing voice mail messages, at the very least, these electronic documents are now an information source that should be considered in developing any discovery plan.

Subjects: E-Discovery, Email, Email Security, Litigation Support