FOIA Facts: Department of Justice Issues Guidance for FOIA Executive Order
Scott A. Hodes’s commentary addresses the recent Executive Order requiring that each federal agency improve its FOIA performance.
Scott A. Hodes’s commentary addresses the recent Executive Order requiring that each federal agency improve its FOIA performance.
According to Paul Jenks, the recipe for scandal and corruption is very simple and all the ingredients are always in the Congressional pantry, so read his article and get the inside track on what is happening on the Hill.
This month Paul Jenks provides an inside view of the most visible and widely recognized function of Congress: the hearing, for which he identifies three distinctive types: informational hearings, oversight or investigative hearings, and confirmation hearing.
Peggy Garvin reviews the new searchable catalog of current and historical federal congressional, executive, and judicial publications that are in print, electronic, and other formats.
Scott A. Hodes reminds us why the goal of Sunshine Week, which is to elevate the public’s awareness on the importance of governmental disclosure laws, is one that has become increasingly important to pursue every week, year round.
Beth Wellington discusses the divergent positions of key organizations and groups on the regulatory and legislative controversy over Internet free speech, campaign finance reform, and blogging. She provides links to legislation, news releases, government documents and blog postings on the issue.
Paul Jenks continues his discussion of an earmark, which is the specific direction of funding for a specific project within the appropriations or authorization bill. His explanation of this rather complex issue will serve you well as you learn more about legislative research and legislative history.
Scott A. Hodes comments on the role of Chief FOIA Officers, a position recently mandated for all agencies by Executive Order 13392.
Paul Jenks discusses the primary method by which Members of Congress and Senators deliver the bacon home to their constituents.
CongressLine Mr. Speaker by Carol M. Morrissey
Carol M. Morrissey has been the Legislative Specialist for the Washington, D. C. office of Chicago’s Sidley & Austin for 11 years. She is a lawyer and legislative expert who has also authored a Congressional update column for the last 4 years.