Category «Columns»
Extras – Internet Roundtable #6: A Continuing Discussion of Law Firm Marketing On the Internet – Q: Does My Choice of a Domain Name Really Matter?
Jerry Lawson is a lawyer and author of The Complete Internet Handbook for Lawyers (ABA LPMS 1999). Mr. Lawson operates the Internet Tools for Lawyers Web site.
Latest Links –…
Margaret Berkland is the president of Data Vision Design, Inc., which has provided applications development, business process design, and other IT services to the legal industry since 1989. Prior to becoming the president of DataVision Design, Inc., Margaret was the Info. Resources Technology Specialist for McKenna & Cuneo, where she still performs those duties on a contract basis. Margaret designed and maintains the firm’s internal homepage of Internet links, and manages the links, link annotations, and article content for McKenna & Cuneo’s Web site.
Published January 17, 2000
Reference from Coast to Coast – Converters
Welcome to Reference From Coast to Coast: Sources and Strategies, a monthly column written by the KMZ librarians. Headquartered in Chicago, Katten Muchin Zavis has reference librarians in Washington DC, Chicago and Los Angeles. There are eight professional librarians who are assisted by a great support staff. The KMZ librarians field questions and participate in research in a myriad of subject areas. This column will highlight some of our favorite reference sources and research techniques in the hope that sharing information will help you in your day to day jobs. We welcome all of your comments and questions, and would particularly like feedback on sources and strategies that YOU use for research on our column topics.
Extras – itList and Other Bookmark Managers
LaJean Humphries is the Head Librarian at Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, a regional law firm with over 130 attorneys providing a broad range of transaction and litigation services. She regularly provide Internet training for attorneys and staff.
Notes from the Technology Trenches – Y2K wrap-up, sources for Web design, computer technology news source and Supreme Court Brie
Roger Skalbeck is the Electronic Initiatives Librarian at Howrey & Simon in Washington, D.C., and is the Web Master of the Law Librarians’ Society of Washington, D.C. Current work activities cover myriad aspects of electronic research resource evaluation, intranet content development, as well as research and technology training, all from a librarian’s point of view. This column reflects the personal views of the author, which are not necessarily those of his employer or any other organization. This column, of course, is 100% free of any legal advice.
CongressLine – Don't Look Back! Internet Legislation in the Year 2000
Carol M. Morrissey has been a Legislative Specialist in Washington, D.C. for 14 years. She is a lawyer and legislative expert, and has authored a Congressional update column for since 1996.
Latest Links – Association Central…
Margaret Berkland is the president of Data Vision Design, Inc., which has provided applications development, business process design, and other IT services to the legal industry since 1989. Prior to becoming the president of DataVision Design, Inc., Margaret was the Info. Resources Technology Specialist for McKenna & Cuneo, where she still performs those duties on a contract basis. Margaret designed and maintains the firm’s internal homepage of Internet links, and manages the links, link annotations, and article content for McKenna & Cuneo’s Web site.
Published January 3, 2000
ResearchWire – Have You Punched Your Intranet Today?
Subjects: Intranets, ResearchWireGuide on the Side – Vox Populi: How to Testify Before a Public Agency
Marie Wallace has enjoyed a fulfilling career as a librarian, beginning in 1951 in academia with the University of California and transitioning in 1971 into the private law library world until her 1995 retirement from O’Melveny & Myers. She is the 1997 recipient of the American Association of Law Libraries‘ highest honor, the Marian Gould Gallagher Distinguished Service Award. Throughout her professional life, Marie has been a guiding force in the Southern California Association of Law Libraries, Practising Law Institute’s programs for law librarians and Teaching Legal Research in Private Law Libraries (TRIPLL).