Category «Columns»

Latest Links – Pharmapages, etc….

(Posted February 15, 1999; Archived March 1, 1999)

Margaret's Biopharmapages

Pharmapages is provided by the publisher of Scrip World Pharmaceutical News. This site covers internet and technology issues in the pharmaceutical industry. There are articles by industry professionals that cover regulatory affairs, research and development and technology developments relevant to the industry under the NetFocus section. There are relevant newsgroup postings, listings of new pharmaceutical websites, virus news, conference listings, and a glossary of terms used in each edition.

Subjects: Internet Resources - Web Links, Latest Links

Notes from the Technology Trenches – February, 1999

Notes from the Technology Trenches By Elizabeth H. Klampert

Elizabeth H. Klampert is the Director of Library Services for the Association of the Bar of the City of New York. Ms. Klampert was formerly a litigator for five years, specializing in professional liability litigation. Before attending law school, she was a corporate librarian for twelve years, holding management positions in libraries in a number of large organizations, including Rainier National Bank in Seattle, Deloitte & Touche, and Merrill Lynch, both in New York. She received both her BA in English and MLS from the University of Washington in Seattle. She received her JD at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law in New York.

Subjects: Notes from the Technology Trenches, Technology Trends

ResearchWire – A Web of Legal Ethics: Rules of Professional Conduct

ResearchWire A Web of Legal Ethics: Rules of Professional Conduct By Diana Botluk & James P. Botluk

Diana Botluk is an online legal information professional who lectures, teaches and writes about finding law-related information in an online environment. She is the author of The Legal List: Research on the Internet, and a columnist for Internet Law Researcher newsletter, with a column called Finding Information on the World Wide Web. She teaches basic, advanced and online legal research at the University of Maryland, and Internet classes at CAPCON Library Network. She has lectured at many professional conferences, is actively involved in the Law Librarians Society of D.C. and the American Association of Law Libraries. She is a reference librarian at Catholic University Law School, where she earned her J.D. in 1984. James P. Botluk is the Assistant Bar Counsel for the Attorney Grievance Commission of Maryland.

Subjects: Legal Ethics, ResearchWire

Extras – Document Delivery Suppliers and Resources on the Web

Document Delivery Suppliers and Resources on the World Wide Web By Frank Warren

Frank Warren is President of Instant Information Systems and has been providing full-text medical document delivery for over a decade. Instant Information Systems developed and maintains – a free directory indexing hundreds of document delivery resources and host of the document delivery listserv.

Subjects: Document Delivery, Extras