Monthly archives: April, 1999
Features – Ground Zero: Will You Survive the Internet Explosion? One Firm’s Story
Ground Zero: Will You Survive the Internet Explosion? One Firms’ Story By John Hokkanen
John Hokkanen , Chief Knowledge Counsel, heads the Knowledge Services Department at Alston & Bird in Atlanta, Georgia, and has acted as chief architect of the firms intranet and extranet applications. You may obtain a copy of his informational CD-ROM “Law Offices and the Internet” (which has a full copy of Pure Oxygen) by using the on-line form at .
CongressLine – Freedom of Information: the Newest Nemesis of the Scientific Community
The Scientific Community
Scientists are concerned that the new guidelines will allow the public access to everything from handwritten lab notes to specimens and that it will also jeopardize the
Extras – Using Folio to Create Legislative Histories
Using Folio Views to Create Electronic Legislative Histories By Lillian H. Fry
(Posted May 1, 1999; Archived June 1, 1999)
Latest Links – American Factfinder, etc…
(Posted April 19, 1999; Archived April 30, 1999)
American FactFinder
American FactFinder “is a new data access and dissemination system” that allows the user to find and retrieve information for the largest data sets at the U.S. Census Bureau. The site is arranged in five sections: Facts about My Community; Population and Housing Facts; Census Bureau Products; Maps; Industry and Business Facts; and Search FactFinder. The user can access data by Quick items, Detailed tables, or Build a query. A full explanation of these methods of access is contained on the “About American FactFinder” page. In mid-1999, the user will be able to customize tabulations from microdata files.
Extras – Internet Technologies: Realities and Strategies for a Connected World
Subjects: Extras, Internet TrendsExtras – Book Review: The Complete Internet Handbook for Lawyers by Jerry Lawson
Book Review: The Complete Internet Handbook for Lawyers by Jerry Lawson By Dennis M. Kennedy
Dennis Kennedy is Director of Legal Technology at NetTech, Inc., a St. Louis-based technology consulting company that specializes in law firms and legal technology. Dennis writes the legal technology column for Lawyers Weekly USA and writes and speaks frequently on legal technology and Internet topics. He also edits and publishes ” Legal Technology Strategies ,” a free monthly legal technology e-mail newsletter.
Reference from Coast to Coast – One-Stop Shopping for Patent Information
Reference from Coast to Coast: Searches and Strategies By Chris Klobucar, Reference Librarian Katten Muchin & Zavis, Chicago
Published April 19, 1999
Features – Internet Reality Check at the ABATech Show99
Internet Reality Check at the ABA TechShow 99 By Hazel Johnson
(Posted April 19, 1999; Archived May 17, 1999)
Extras – Lexis Library Update: An Overview of Two New Sources
Lexis Library Update: An Overview of Two New Sources By Robyn Rebollo
Robyn Rebollo is the Law Librarian for McGuire, Woods, Battle and Boothe LLP in McLean, VA.