Guide on the Side – National Library Week: What’s the Point?
Guide on the Side National Library Week: What’s the Point? By Marie Wallace
(Posted April 1, 1998; Archived May 1, 1998)
Guide on the Side National Library Week: What’s the Point? By Marie Wallace
(Posted April 1, 1998; Archived May 1, 1998)
ResearchWire Update to Year 2000: Millenium Milestone or Mishap? By Genie Tyburski
Genie Tyburski is the Research Librarian for Ballard Spahr Andrews & Ingersoll in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and the editor of The Virtual Chase:TM A Research Site for Legal Professionals .
Tips &Trends: New Web Sites and Related Services for Legal Researchers By Sabrina I. Pacifici
Sabrina I. Pacifici has been a legal newsletter editor and publisher for the past decade, as well as a law librarian in Washington, D.C. for 18 years. She is the Editor, Publisher and Web Master of Law Library Resource Xchange (LLRX).
Labor and Employment Law Resources on the Internet By Michael Dahn
A new article on labor law resources is available at // You will be automatically redirected to that page shortly.
March 1998 Archive
(Posted March 16, 1998; Archived April 15, 1998)
CD-ROM to DVD-ROM: Moving Optical Storage Along a Bumpy Road into the New Century, p26. A review of CD-ROM, CD-Recordable and DVD systems, including Web sites for more information.
Shepard’s CD-ROM 3.2 Cheatsheet “The Basics” By Nanna K. Frye
Nanna K. Frye (J.D. & M.S.L.S.) is currently the Law Librarian for the Court of Appeal, 4th District in San Diego.
Cataloging Tips: Doin’ the Publisher Shuffle By Joni Lynn Cassidy President, Cassidy Cataloguing Services, Inc.
Joni Lynn Cassidy is President/Co-owner/Founder of Cassidy Cataloguing Services, Inc., a small quality-driven company providing contract cataloguing and technical services to law firm, bar association, corporate and special libraries throughout the U.S. and Europe. She founded Cassidy Cataloguing in 1985 and was joined full-time by her “computer wiz” husband, Michael, in 1988. A professional and support staff of 12 serves 75 libraries. Recent projects include the reclassification of the Lillian Goldman Law Library at Yale Law School to Library of Congress classification.
(Posted March 16, 1998; Archived April 15, 1998)
Cataloging Internet Resources
The manual, Cataloging Internet Resources: A Manual and Practical Guide, is located at this site. If you are considering joining the growing trend to catalog Internet resources, this manual can assist you in the process.
Notes from the Technology Trenches By Elizabeth H. Klampert
Elizabeth H. Klampert is the Director of Library Services for the Association of the Bar of the City of New York. Ms. Klampert was formerly a litigator for five years, specializing in professional liability litigation. Before attending law school, she was a corporate librarian for twelve years, holding management positions in libraries in a number of large organizations, including Rainier National Bank in Seattle, Deloitte & Touche, and Merrill Lynch, both in New York. She received both her BA in English and MLS from the University of Washington in Seattle. She received her JD at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law in New York.
Navigating the Maze of Criminal Records Retrieval By Lynn Peterson
Lynn Peterson is president of PFC Information Services, Inc. , a public records research firm located in Oakland, California. Lynn has been quoted on public records research in a variety of sources including The Wall Street Journal, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance Magazine, and The Information Broker’s Handbook. PFC Information Services provides public records research for law firms, corporations, lenders, venture capitalists, employers, the media, and other information research firms.