Leadership & The Role of Information: Making The Creatively Informed Questioner

Stuart Basefsky supports the concept that the quintessential leader is an informed leader. However, effectively communicating and leveraging the power of information, in leadership roles, is subject to a range of interpretations that he discusses in this forward thinking series.

Subjects: Communication Skills, Features, Information Management, Presentation Skills, Writing Skills

E-Discovery Update: Pushing Back Against Hardcopy ESI Productions

Conrad J. Jacoby addresses how critical technology issues related to document authenticity and document-associated metadata have left fewer lawyers willing to accept e-mail messages and other electronic documents in print format. He argues that litigants choosing to produce electronically stored information in hardcopy format should be prepared to provide more complete electronic copies of their production, even when it isn’t initially requested by opposing counsel.

Subjects: Case Management, Columns, Discovery, E-Discovery, E-Discovery Update, Intellectual Property, Law Firm Marketing, Legal Research

LLRX Book Review by Heather A. Phillips – We’re All Journalists Now: The Transformation of the Press and Reshaping of the Law in the Internet Age

Heather A. Phillips highlights attorney John Gant’s contention that one’s title, income, and employer are at best side issues in determining who is a journalist in the day-to-day realities of issuing press passes as well as in larger policies such as the extension of shield laws.

Subjects: Blogs, Legal Research, LLRX Book Review, News Resources