Category «Legal Technology»

Latest Links – Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, etc…..

(Posted February 15, 1998; Archived March 16, 1998)

mb.gifJoint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations

JCAHO accredits almost 18,000 healthcare organizations and programs. The page of the site most useful to the majority of users is Quality Check which is the searchable Directory of Accredited Organizations. Information included from a search is address, phone, accreditation rating and if available, a full performance report. There is also an annotated list links to health care web sites.

Subjects: Internet Resources - Web Links, Latest Links

Extras – Nothing but the Net: Internet Librarian – November in Monterey

Nothing but the Net Internet Librarian – November in Monterey By Cindy L. Chick

Cindy Chick has been a law firm librarian for 17 years. She received her M.L.S. from UCLA with a specialization in law librarianship. Cindy is the co-editor of LLRXchange, and has developed several software programs for law libraries under the name of CINCH Library Software

Subjects: Extras, Law Librarians

Latest Links – Statistical Abstract of the United States, etc….

(Posted January 15, 1998; Archived February 15, 1998)

mb.gifStatistical Abstract of the United States

This is the web page on the Census Website for the 1997 Statistical Abstract of the United States for download. There are nearly 1,500 tables. 1995-1997 edition sections are arranged side by side which allows easy downloading of comparison statistics from multiple years.

Subjects: Internet Resources - Web Links, Latest Links

Newstand – December 1997

December 1997 Archive

(Posted December 3, 1997; Archived January 15, 1998)

newstand.gif Legal Management, November/December 1997

Put the Web to Work, p. 27. Turn to this article for a broad overview of implementing Web applications, including the Internet, intranets and extranets, in the law office environment.

Subjects: News (Newstand), Newstand