Extras – A Review of Zoot 3.5 : [Now Renamed Zoot 4.0]
A Review of Zoot 3.5 [Now Renamed Zoot 4.0] By M. Sean Fosmire
M. Sean Fosmire is with the Michigan law firm of Garan Lucow Miller, P.C.
A Review of Zoot 3.5 [Now Renamed Zoot 4.0] By M. Sean Fosmire
M. Sean Fosmire is with the Michigan law firm of Garan Lucow Miller, P.C.
Law Firm Intranets “It’s about the Content” By Rick Camacho
is an Applications Consultant with Lexis-Nexis in New York, NY. He is the developer of the Lexis-Nexis New York Intranet Knowledge Base. Prior to joining Lexis-Nexis, Mr. Camacho worked in the financial services sector in New York.
(Posted May 17, 1999; Archived June 1, 1999)
AbsoluteTrivia.com http://www.absolutetrivia.com/
AbsoluteTrivia.com claims to be a search engine covering 5,000+ facts that is updated on a daily basis. The user can search by a word of their choice or browse any of the twenty trivia categories listed. There is a daily Trivia Tidbit, a listing of what special day the current date may be and a short list of famous persons born on the current date. You can also select to view additional categories of Random Trivia, Random Quotation or Today in History. You can take a Trivia Test, participate in the online Trivia Talk Forum, visit the Trivia Shop or subscribe to the Absolute Trivia Weekly Top Ten which will be delivered to your e-mail address.
A Review of the Lexis-Nexis Intranet Solutions By Roger Vicarius Skalbeck
Roger Skalbeck is the Electronic Initiatives Librarian at Howrey & Simon in Washington, D.C., and is the Assistant Chair for the Web Committee of the Law Librarian’s Society of Washington, D.C. Current work activities cover myriad aspects of electronic research resource evaluation, intranet-based legal practice content development, as well as research and technology training, all from a librarian’s point of view.
Research on the Internet and Integrating Research Capabilities into Your Intranet LegalTech Los Angeles – May 10-12, 1999 By Sabrina I. Pacifici and Cindy L. Chick
(Posted May 17, 1999; Archived June 15, 1999)
Reference from Coast to Coast: Searches and Strategies By Beth Mrkvicka, Reference Librarian Katten Muchin & Zavis, Chicago Welcome to Reference From Coast to Coast: Sources and Strategies, a new monthly column written by the KMZ librarians. Headquartered in Chicago, Katten Muchin & Zavis has reference librarians in Washington DC, Chicago and Los Angeles. There are eight professional librarians who are assisted by a great support staff. The KMZ librarians field questions and participate in research in a myriad of subject areas. This column will highlight some of our favorite reference sources and research techniques in the hope that sharing information will help you in your day to day jobs. We welcome all of your comments and questions, and would particularly like feedback on sources and strategies that YOU use for research on our column topics.
Please send comments to the author.
Published May 17, 1999
Notes from the Technology Trenches By Elizabeth H. Klampert
Elizabeth H. Klampert , the former Director of Library Services at the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, is an attorney and consultant, specializing in legal research and technology, with an emphasis on the growing body of cyberlaw.
(Posted May 1, 1999; Archived May 17, 1999)
ALiNUS http://libaxp.hartford.edu/llr/alinusin.htm
ALiNUS, hosted by the University of Hartford Libraries and Learning Resources, is an Internet gateway to 300+ online academic library newsletters in the U.S. The mission of ALiNUS is to “encourage communication among academic librarians.” The list of newsletters can be browsed or searched by title or institution. The newsletters can be a useful comparison for any librarian publishing or desiring to publish a library newsletter.