Category «Legal Technology»

Latest Links – Best Book Buys…

By Margaret Berkland

Margaret Berkland is the president of Data Vision Design, Inc., which has provided applications development, business process design, and other IT services to the legal industry since 1989. Prior to becoming the president of DataVision Design, Inc., Margaret was the Info. Resources Technology Specialist for McKenna & Cuneo, where she still performs those duties on a contract basis. Margaret designed and maintains the firm’s internal homepage of Internet links, and manages the links, link annotations, and article content for McKenna & Cuneo’s Web site.

Published March 1, 2000

Subjects: Internet Resources - Web Links, Latest Links

Latest Links – Budget of U.S. Gov’t Fiscal YR 2001…

Latest Links By Margaret Berkland

Margaret Berkland is the president of Data Vision Design, Inc., which has provided applications development, business process design, and other IT services to the legal industry since 1989. Prior to becoming the president of DataVision Design, Inc., Margaret was the Info. Resources Technology Specialist for McKenna & Cuneo, where she still performs those duties on a contract basis. Margaret designed and maintains the firm’s internal homepage of Internet links, and manages the links, link annotations, and article content for McKenna & Cuneo’s Web site.

Published February 15, 2000

Subjects: Internet Resources - Web Links, Latest Links

Notes from the Technology Trenches – Finding Legal Software Online; Recent Technology Related Special Reports; Legal Content for Your PDA

Roger Skalbeck is the Electronic Initiatives Librarian at Howrey & Simon in Washington, D.C., and is the Web Master of the Law Librarians’ Society of Washington, D.C. Current work activities cover myriad aspects of electronic research resource evaluation, intranet content development, as well as research and technology training, all from a librarian’s point of view. This column reflects the personal views of the author, which are not necessarily those of his employer or any other organization. This column, of course, is 100% free of any legal advice.

Subjects: Gadgets/Gizmos, Legal Technology, Notes from the Technology Trenches, Technology Trends

Latest Links – F-Secure Virus Info…

By Margaret Berkland

Margaret Berkland is the president of Data Vision Design, Inc., which has provided applications development, business process design, and other IT services to the legal industry since 1989. Prior to becoming the president of DataVision Design, Inc., Margaret was the Info. Resources Technology Specialist for McKenna & Cuneo, where she still performs those duties on a contract basis. Margaret designed and maintains the firm’s internal homepage of Internet links, and manages the links, link annotations, and article content for McKenna & Cuneo’s Web site.

Published February 1, 2000

Subjects: Internet Resources - Web Links, Latest Links