Category «Legal Research»

Features – eFiling Comes of Age

eFiling Comes of Age By Phil Ytterberg and Scott Schumacher

Phil Ytterberg is Market Development Manager for WestFile ( tm ) at West Group. Mr. Ytterberg manages market development for the WestFile Electronic Filing Service, with responsibility for the legal and regulatory markets. He is a graduate of Tufts University and the Boston University School of Law. He regularly delivers presentations on electronic court filing at conferences and symposia nationwide, including faculty presentations for the National Center for State Court’s Institute for Court Management (ICM) and the National Practice Institute (NPI).

Subjects: Courts & Technology, Electronic Court Filing, Features

Features – Italian National and Regional Legislative Resources Online

Italian National and Regional Legislative Resources Online By Maria Teresa Leonardi

Maria Teresa Leonardi received a degree in Political Science from the University of Catania in 1987. She works at the Legal Documentation Center (Faculty of Law), where customers (faculty, staff, students, lawyers) carry out juridical and legislative searches on databases with the staff assistance. She shares responsibilities for database training given to students and the teaching staff. She also works with the Chair of Legal Computer Science of the same Faculty. She is member of the Associazione Italiana per la Documentazione Avanzata.

Subjects: Features, International Legal Research