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Sabrina I. Pacifici, MSLIS, KM, Law Librarian, SME / Legal Research, Financial Services, Privacy, Civil Liberties, GovDocs, Social Media.
Solo Editor, Publisher, Founder, Owner -® – the free e-journal on law, technology and research for Librarians, Lawyers, Researchers, Academics, and Journalists. Established in 1996, and published monthly.
Sabrina I. Pacifici is also the solo Researcher/Author, of beSpacific® - Accurate research and knowledge discovery of documents and resources focused on law, technology, government documents, civil liberties, privacy, justice and emerging technology issues - with a global perspective. Updated daily since 2002 with a searchable database of over 45,000 postings.
See also the beSpacific Mastodon feed updated daily, with unique resources to support effective, timely, focused, subject matter resource sharing.

LLRX July 2023 Issue

Articles and Columns for July 2023 Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO) 2023 – As stated by Ethereum, “a DAO is a collectively-owned, blockchain-governed organization working towards a shared mission.” Marcus P. Zillman features resources on how DAOs can impact business operations, identifies challenges to participation, and delivers a diverse bibliography of NFT resources that includes governance, regulation, …

Subjects: KM

AI in Banking and Finance, July 30, 2023

This semi-monthly column by Sabrina I. Pacifici highlights news, government reports and industry white papers as well as academic papers on the subject of AI’s fast paced impact on the banking and finance sectors. The chronological links provided are to the primary sources, and as available, indicate links to alternate free versions. Each entry includes the publication name, date published, article title and abstract. Four highlights from this week: What The Generative AI Boom Means For Your Job, The Economy And The S&P 500; BloombergGPT: A Large Language Model for Finance; Generative AI and the future of work in America; and Will AI Cause ‘Explosive’ Economic Growth?

Subjects: AI in Banking and Finance, Economy, Financial System, Legal Research

AI in Banking and Finance – July 15, 2023

This semi-monthly column by Sabrina I. Pacifici highlights news, government reports and industry white papers as well as academic papers on the subject of AI’s fast paced impact on the banking and finance sectors. The chronological links provided are to the primary sources, and as available, indicate links to alternate free versions. Each entry includes the publication name, date published, article title and abstract. Four highlights from this week: OECD: 60% of finance and manufacturing workers fear AI replacement; Wharton professor says ‘things that took me weeks to master in my PhD’ take ‘seconds’ with new ChatGPT tool; AI, trust, and data security are key issues for finance firms and their customers; and Finance Professionals May Find A Research Assistant In AI.

Subjects: AI in Banking and Finance, Columns, Cybercrime, Cybersecurity, Economy, Financial System

LLRX June 2023 Issue

Articles and Columns for June 2023 Brevity is the Soul of Profit: What Lawyers Need to Know About Executive Summaries – Elizabeth Southerland writes that Jerry Lawson’s essay Plain English for Lawyers: The Way to a C-Level Executive’s Heart has some good ideas about the best ways to communicate with senior executives. However, there is …

Subjects: KM

AI and the Financial System – June 28, 2023

This new bi-monthly column by Sabrina I. Pacifici highlights news, reports, government and industry documents, and academic papers on the subject of AI’s fast paced impact on many facets of the global financial system. The chronological links provided are to the primary sources, and as available, indicate links to alternate free versions. Each entry includes the publication name, date published, article title, abstract and tags. Pacifici is also compiling a list of actionable subject matter resources at the end of each column that will be updated regularly.

Subjects: AI, AI in Banking and Finance, Cybercrime, Cybersecurity, Economy, Ethics, Financial System, Legal Research, Technology Trends

LLRX May 2023 Issue

Articles and Columns for May 2023 Is using Generative AI just another form of outsourcing?– Is the implementation of generative AI simply a new flavor of outsourcing? How does this digital revolution reflect on our interpretation of the American Bar Association’s (ABA) ethical guidelines? How can we ensure that we maintain the sacrosanct standards of …

Subjects: KM

LLRX April 2023 Issue

Articles and Columns for April 2023 Whistleblowers Are the Conscience of Society, Yet Suffer Gravely For Trying to Hold the Rich and Powerful Accountable For Their Sins – Lawyer, activist, author, and whistleblower Ashley Gjovik states: “I blew the whistle and was met with an experience so destructive that I did not have the words …

Subjects: KM

LLRX March 2023 Issue

Articles and Columns for March 2023 The Disappeared: Indigenous Peoples and the international crime of enforced disappearance – Catherine Morris and Rebekah Smith of Peacemakers Trust Canada conducted extensive research on disproportionate violence against Indigenous persons in Canada that includes uncounted disappearances of Indigenous children, women, and men. Canada’s decades of failure to prevent and …

Subjects: KM

LLRX February 2023 Issue

Articles and Columns for February 2023 The expanding role of technology in the law firm business model – The premise of this article by COO and legal technologist Kenneth Jones is that individual capabilities and excellence (either legal or technical) standing alone are not enough to ensure long-term, sustainable success. No superstar technologist or lawyer is …

Subjects: KM

LLRX January 2023 Issue

Articles and Columns for January 2023 2023 Healthcare MiniGuide – Marcus P. Zillman’s guide addresses the challenging landscape of healthcare information that proliferates on the internet. A large measure of the information hosted on self described authoritative health and healthcare sites is grounded in speculative, e-commerce drive subject matter. Search engines drive traffic to these …

Subjects: KM